Shopping with the Family

Good Terrinha, much banana, watermelon, pigs, hen. It was an invoice alone. They had the life that the God had asked for, did not need nothing more. Each one family had a boy.

The two lived playing in the field, for the bushes, running behind rabbits, peloteando passarinhos and thus it went taking the life in the biggest tranquilidade. One of the families decided to move for the city, therefore it found the life of the very monotonous field, without much thing to make, almost always the same things and them they wanted new features. For this all were determined: the city. To another family they gave to many advice, who the city was illusion, that the life was difficult, that it had that to buy everything, that had that to arrange a good job, that had that to take care of itself because of the thieves, trambiqueiros and thus successively, but she did not have skill and the family to leave for the city. As you he was very diligent, then it was arranged.

It placed a commerce and the things had been pra front. Who more liked exactly was son, a boy of 7 years of age. It was magic with the Shoppings, the cinemas, the joguinhos, the modern toys. As our boy was happy! The woman as soon as she arrived was pregnant. The father, educadamente, called the son and explained calmly: the mother was waiting new irmozinho for it. Boy embirrou, said that he did not want brother, who wanted to live alone, that they went to forget to take care of of it, it would go to pass hunger, would not have washed clothes and a serious one of exemptions would pass to the brother. For this the father could forget this idea.

Chronic LICE

People who try to raise its importance being cut with a scythe the other people’s importance and that exactly without perceiving they provoke the evil, to mark its commitments and to speed the solutions of its problems counting exclusively on the time of the others trying to increase its time of available life, simply using and diminishing the time of life of the others. One uses to advantage of favors or emotional blackmails, always asking for with jeitinho so that nobody perceives its real intention. It forgets that each life has its history and all have its proper problems. It is until just that in a cooperative society, some favors are facts, but that if enxergue the value of the reciprocity. Many at least try to understand if the other cannot help it for its proper commitments. For this type of person, all must be available to its whims and its imediatismo.

That one that prefers to ask for one nails for a carpenter, of what buying something exists that it will be useful, not to only spend its so important money. Many times, when of the proper goodness of many human beings, somebody starts to loan it and to serve of breaking twig, the opportunist if leans and nor if of against the work looking the commerce. He asks for a bushing to it, later the screw, when in the truth he came to also ask for machine to it. They are not very rare also, those that if strengthen and work to buy what it is useful and it always lives to serve who asks for aid to it and when it needs does not find nobody that serves to it. That one that shares the basic one of its utility even though with what it spends only with futilidade.

The Church

It also has the another most serious error, that consists of if saying that the altar is of the bishop, but the church is of another one any senhor.’ ‘ (LO GRASSO, B. Eclsia et Status. Rome: Selecti sources, 1952, p 241) the FEUDAL PRESENCE IN the MONASTERIES the monasteries also were children of its time. As it would be natural, they had suffered to benefits and inconveniences.

A feudal monastery, that was endowed by a noble gentleman or the sovereign of the region, enjoyed at that time of the so necessary protection. Thanks to the ownerships you, many monasteries had been constructed and endowed according to these. They had poor monasteries to the side of other rich ones and that large states possuam. These last ones had suffered more the bad consequences of the feudal system, therefore many times had been trusted as feudals ‘ ‘ abades-comendatrios’ ‘ , or feudal that was not clergymen. These embezzled the financial goods of the feudals and only gave origin to many inconveniences in discipline monastic, what it harmed the moral and the ethical aspects of the time. The CONTESTADORES OF the SOCIETY Coinciding with the height of the feudalismo and the sprouting of the bourgeoisie, had appeared in diverse points of the Europe movements of religious-popular matrix, called of contesters, been born some in ground European, and other mattering, probably by means of the cruzades.

Ambulant preachers, clergymen or laypeople they were arisen in general considering penance, criticizing the society, in bigger instance the religious society, the Church, the clergy, monges. Amongst them, most radical it seems to be of Arnoldo de Brscia. It criticized the magnificent one, the avarice, the hypocrisy of the cardinals. It called the Pope not apostolic man, but sanguinrio man, that for homicides and fires if made to respect.