Build Systems

Each year, more and more open shops, kiosks, supermarkets, retail chains worldwide. According to statistics, more than 85% of stores have surveillance organization for the safety and security products. Back in the 90s. product's was behind the counter, and it could take only the buyer through the seller, it is not so had to install a video surveillance system for the store. Now the problem is turned over, the buyer comes in the trade room and can take a product that will pay at checkout, or blow over by her, that's why you need to install video surveillance in the store. The video surveillance system at the store will help us to observe in real time and in the archive, what is happening on the trading floor.

Can prevent theft, fraud, theft, property damage, as well as control personnel. To organize the video for the store, we first need to divide the object on land, the zone Surveillance – offices, departments (vegetables, spirits, household it.d.). For each area, highlight areas that need to fix the CCTV cameras, like staff, product showcase. It is desirable that would cover the entire perimeter of the cameras, for ease of monitoring facilities and fixing every movement, even the transfer of goods, movement of bags. Which camera CCTV choose to do this? Of course high resolution, preferably with the lens tucked under certain angle. Color cameras allow us to share and color, orientation of certain objects in "crowd." Rotating the camera with ZOOM 10-30 times in the surveillance system will help to store easily watch one man in the movement, zoom in or out focus cameras. Surveillance for Store helps to crimes committed on the territory of the store, as well as to the adjacent territory.

In the shop we can face theft, pickpockets, swindlers. For the territory – on the street, car theft customers, damaging auto client, theft from the cabin, car accident. Also, if a glass partition store in a fight, disorderly conduct, alcohol intoxication, has a "properties" break. With the help of CCTV in the shop, we can easily take pictures of suspicious people, thieves, for the subsequent ban to enter the territory. It is also not a few cases when it was in the store video surveillance system to identify criminals and detained by security or police. To organize the video store will require an operator who monitors what is happening in the store and if it finds violations of passes on the radio protection, to take action. In the case of a large number of CCTV cameras in the store, take a few operators are typically used for one person department, or more. Protection which is on the territory, in the hall, can not see everything, but operator sees the actions the buyer, even in a department where he alone. Around the world, installed video surveillance system not only in buildings, and on the street that makes the city safer. When assembling systems majority of the directors, managers pay attention not only security but also the price for video store, because you can even build an inexpensive and effective video surveillance system for the store, which will be enough for this object.

United Arab Emirates

Prices for flights to Dubai and the frequency of flights to the uae may depend on the season. With its gain may occur so-called additional charter flights from different airlines. Dubai – is the largest city in the uae. Many tourists very often visit the uae, to rest in Dubai. In fact it is not difficult, just need to get things to do in Dubai and book a nice hotel. The Emirate of Dubai, located on the shores of the Persian Gulf. All hotels in Dubai meet international standards. Very diverse vacation in Dubai.

Tourists are recommended to visit the most famous museums, the Jumeirah Mosque, a fabulous palace of Said. Those tourists who are vacationing with children, encouraged to visit the water park Vanderlend "or beautiful Dubai Zoo. Holidays in Dubai can be perfectly combined with visits to markets. Holidays in Dubai especially likely to appeal to lovers of shopping and leisure. Hotels in Dubai offers visitors activities such as diving, water skiing, sea fishing. Windsurfing, golf, horse riding, karting, badminton and skiing on the dunes. Many hotels are of a very wide range of services. The best and most popular hotels in Dubai are usually located on the coast.

Hotels of Dubai can guarantee you excellent, superb service, cozy atmosphere and comfort. Dubai – this is the true Pearl of the United Arab Emirates. Rest in Dubai at any time of year and even in winter. To enter the territory of Dubai, you need a visa and if you purchased tours lasting more than two weeks, you need qualitatively and in the shortest possible time. You can reserve tickets Donetsk Dubai in both directions. You will receive a free consultation about the price of air tickets to Dubai and you can book the best flights at the most low price.

Personality Types

A man of confidence, distrust of his second half will be arrange wild jealousy, blame all the deadly sins, etc. Why is this happening? We all were once children, and of course, that childhood is all evolved in different ways, someone grew up in a loving and caring, and someone does nothing has not got. Relationships with parents, peers, the so-called social environment, hence we take all our adult problems. No forgiveness of injuries, someone's unfair words and other things that are buried under a layer of memories of events in our subconscious. All the bad and the trauma of us forced out of our consciousness and is deposited in the form of complexes and unconscious fears.

When a person is jealous, he unconsciously compares himself to rival, and since there is an inferiority complex, which is hidden deep inside the fear that your opponent is of course in some ways better than him and the choice may not be in his direction. Very unpleasant feeling and it's an understatement said, as a result of: anger, depressed mood, often unfair accusations toward the "opponent" and the second half (which is nothing predrassuditelnogo did). And after such an attack of jealousy, a sense of guilt, which is also good feelings do not add. As a result, we get a constant stress, guilt, depression, and in addition, problems in family life. From a person who is subject to jealousy, it is very difficult to live together, we must constantly make excuses about the minor delay, and if with him somewhere to go, so it's a continuous hassle, did not know him in the head, and to which post he will now be jealous. On statistics, men are more susceptible to jealousy than women. They are more demonstrative, if jealous, it means that on all cylinders. Women, in general, if jealous, do not like scenes, although there are certainly some instances and that can arrange such a scene that will not find it.

In some cases, jealousy can take enormous size and cause terrible outbursts, aggression, anger, cruelty. Yourself to get rid of jealousy, virtually impossible, no matter what you do not have the iron character. Fears and complexes are hidden deep in the subconscious, and pull them out, remember, and analyze from the perspective of an adult, and to those events your past, not an easy task and not one day. It is advisable to consult a specialist, psychologist or therapist, who with the help of special psychic will be able to help you. If you are aware that the subject of jealousy, that causes you discomfort in his personal life, go to a specialist and consult. If you for whatever reasons, you hesitate or think that you will consider a wimp, not necessarily someone to inform his campaign. That's because if you car broke down, you're just going to the station and renovating it, because it alone can not do. And hike to a psychologist, it's his job to help people and sometimes something to repair. I wish you, a successful family life!

Creole Freedom

10 In this region it predominated as already the presence of atafonas for the cassava flour production and its derivatives was said previously. Thus at the time of the plantation, until the weeding, contingent of enslaved man power was increased in the small properties that did not have as to keep certain number of captives continuously. In the period between harvest the slave could use itself as mason and carpenter in the maintenance of atafonas, or in the treatment with the animals, visa the controlled easiness of displacement of these. At the time of the harvest the slave, next to the small or average proprietor, or to its subordinate, was who harvested the cassava, he carreteava until the sheds of atafona and was who he worked in the device and he was same who kept the dumb one for the new plantation. Practical of the farming that still today is observed in these localities, done for work hand logically he exempts, but still days laborer.

The capacity to move itself to provide the subsistence expressed the expression ' to live on si' , something I begin that it was forbidden the slave. …. More feasible in the villages and cities, exactly in great farms the captives knew of close this possibility and looked for exercise-there … in many cases of emancipation. But this capacity to move itself mentioned one to it specific direction of freedom. It meant, basically, freedom to choose and to establish new bows of friendship, family or patronagem, …. 11 purchase of freedom also occurred with slave Felcia, Creole, 12 that as had freedom to circulate it executed works of where took off income to buy its freedom, that cost it eight doblos, in 27 of November of 1847. More rare in the letters of this period it is to find some without conditions imposed to the slaves.