The theme of the book seems to me that it may be useful to handle some rules in a group therapy, choosing those that are the most suitable according to the characteristics and situations of the members of the group. Addition, can be a good opportunity of awakening in the members interest in the reading of the complete works, to give them a little of what you offer. Now that how manages it the author, coincidence or random, the important thing is that after all left me very good knowledge, experiences that I can share with my family, professional and social circle and people to know more about self-improvement that books tell the truth do not read much. As a conservative person and with a high level of social morality, I dare say that the book is suitable for young people, adults and elderly people, because he cares much what writes to all readers in the best way, without never neglecting the vocabulary. After all, I had the opportunity to not only read his work but knowing more of his biography and important aspects that did not know, besides having the opportunity of knowing your family and imagine in your home, which in my opinion gives value to a reading: imagine, get involved with the characters, be able to believe that you are part of the story, I say it is not requirement nor golden rule to tell if it was worth or not worth reading, it is only my point of view. And if I recommend the book, if I had the opportunity to chat with the author I would ask you to remove some words and things that are as pretentious, but is an excellent book..
Month: October 2013
Federation Movement
Major groups included the MNI (new left movement) invention electorero Patria Roja, the PSR (Revolutionary Socialist Party) of trend velasquista and former member of Izquierda Unida, a ghostly PCP reconstituted (scission of PC unit) who greeted and I wish you success the same pink rods. Then came the praise and salutations to IE pink rods read in a document: Bruno Alcalde Mendieta, focepista youth leader, sent them a greeting written on behalf of FOCEP, old electorero Trotskyist party also invited. Then greeted them the movement Jose Maria Arguedas opportunist; and until the movement alpha and Omega, which supposedly had a reputation for seriousness in the fight, sent them a greeting and wished success. The most funny thing was that pink rods read a greeting by the ML-19 (movement of liberation 19 July) which is nothing other than a shell formed by the same henchman of IE, IE a greeting sent to themselves. But something really outrageous is have also ingrained in ICC (Coordinator against impunity) grouping today corporatized by IE, whose leader Vanesa Cantoral, daughter of the murdered antimaoista Saul Cantoral, after greeting to IE, it gave an ambiguous and riddled with speech of metaphysics in whose language replaced class struggle by social struggles.
Also noteworthy speeches of the other warlords of IE as Juan Carlos Arana, representative of ACUNI, who said blatantly must organize to the rondas campesinas. Enver Leon, the Secretary general of the legalized SITRAUSM (Trade Union of workers of the University of San Marcos) made apology to the mystical. Juan Carlos brand of the Federation of students of the UNI, after talking of reconstruction of the Federation, made apology to the national liberation. Or the replacement of the term fighting classes for the social struggles, nor reconstruction instead of reconstitution, or national liberation to the margin of the class struggle, nor the mystical organization of the rondas campesinas are expressions of the struggle for the emancipation of our class but reactionary expressions, most notably the apology to the mystique that is not anything other than a clear expression totally fascist. It was obvious that they cancelled the debate which initially claimed that they would take place since they would have immediately been unmasked by the real Communists and progressives infiltrated the meeting. Reactionaries they may not discuss with arguments, takes statements and matoneria to impose his metaphysical conception, or as they say we need patriotic mystique. The strange thing was that a bearded and smelly Dante Castro did not give his usual known speech.
At the end they made a toast with liquor, which shows his fondness for drunkenness unclean, all Castro’s own. Their guest artists music played not they spent being covers of sambas and ancient huaynos, shows his essentially conservative and antiartistica clara, unable to compose new and rebellious music. posted by Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.