Monte Aconcagua is the highest tip of America. The mountainous chain that crosses the continent of north to the south, on the extreme west, exactly reaches its higher points in the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan and Ro Negro, in the Argentine Republic. The origin of the Aconcagua word is quichua, and means stone sentry, an excellent metaphor so it feels when for the first time is contemplated it, a gigantic guardian who guards the passage between the two brother nations of Argentina and Chile. The Aconcagua has been historically a point of extreme interest for the tourism in Mendoza, throughout history. To cross it is all a passage, that it has required of important infrastructure works so that it can be realised by the heavy transit, trucks, micros of long distance and automobiles.
The most important step is about 100 kilometers to the south, the famous passage of the Liberator. Although this step concentrates 80% of the traffic between Argentina and Chile, about 45 days per year it must remain closed, because of snow-covered snow-drifts and of the crude Andean winter. The estate that lodges to Monte Aconcagua is a national park. The idea is to preserve the delicate ecosystem of the mountain, especially against the deforestation, that would turn still more into barren to the local climate. A deforestation controlled in the zone could not cause to avalanches and massive loosenings of mud and snow. In addition, the contamination could poison waters of defrostings that nourish great amount of rivers and streams of the region, and are responsible for practically all the fresh water provision of the zone. The National Park Aconcagua includes/understands 71,000 hectares where are true archaeological and biological treasures.
The animal and vegetal species of the zone of Aconcagua are the base of the trophic chain of the ecosystem cuyano, reason why a decrease in this population would be of high negative impact for the mendocina biodiversity. In the Aconcagua there are numerous glaciers, perennial gigantic masses of ice, that guarantee the potable water provision for the inhabitants of Mendoza by many generations, if they are preserved as it corresponds. In addition, there is great amount of paleontological rest, mainly of the culture Inca, since the zone comprised of the famous Way of the Inca, a route that the American continent of north to the south crossed and that marked the map course of the Incas in its conquering route. By all this, it is worth the pain well to think about a lodging in Mendoza during the vacations that allows us to realise an excursion to this mythical place, a unique site in the planet. Who it has had the luck to be able to visit it can give faith of the so special climate and the sensations that invade the visitor when Pisa this magnificent natural place.