The Recipient

Maybe in this set, besides other things, polurazobrannaya r / w branch, which is adjacent to your area that you and gift was not necessary for all these years. And it can rail "of mink tails" that you did with the old Teschin coats, so to speak, a good memory. Who knows. I do not know. I'm not working on your question, but if it worked, would have known. You – must know for sure. And write. After all, all the "pros." List.

This is a dough, from which will be mixed up the main idea, and he will be baked premise, I'm sorry, "'s message." So cooler and more fashionable spetsovee sounds, but the meaning is the same – some distinctly message framing, should cause a certain response from the recipient. On the "cons" do not have to watch – just do not. A distraction. But you know them so well. And then – you do them all … again I'm sorry, "expert" would indicate a your money.

It is easy and very reasonable. List too. On multiple sheets. I have no idea how to use it in sales (!), But still do so. I do not know why, there may be a particularly soft paper? Oh well. Next. Here we have this list of positive, for an ideal buyer (and not for you, "any" or "all"), the qualities of your object. Let's say it includes, apart from everything else, 2 hectares of land, only for the whole neighborhood parking for TIR-s, its a small hotel and comfortable office, the location of the object at the exit of the city on the main road and the area around you is a large, attached to the local raw material, a prosperous mill XYZ, where most of these TIR-s and go regularly, and which is very handy owned by foreigners.

Sustainable Cars For Location. Paris Now Is The Green City

With the purpose to reduce the transit and the number of launched pollutant gases in the atmosphere, Paris finishes to receive a program for location from sustainable cars. Nominated Autolib, the system of rent of electric cars arrived in Paris in October of this year, generating a great step for the advance of the support in the automotivo world. The objective of this system is to reduce in at least 22.500 the number of conventional cars circulating in the streets, to diminish the amount of pollutant gases that are launched in the atmosphere, the racket and the transit. Following the idea of the Vlib (successful program for location of bicycles), the Autolib already possesss 66 vehicles between the 33 central offices of attendance. The vehicle that the system disponibiliza, is the Bluecar developed for the Bollor mark, drawn for the Pininfarina studio, of Italy.

The Bluecar shelters up to four people and reaches its maximum speed in 130km/h. The vehicle counts on a lithium-metal-polmetro battery that possesss a propulsion that lasts 250km, taking six hours for complete recarregamento. The automobile is equipped with GPS and automatic exchange. Great the attractive one of the Autolib program, is in the low value of the service and in the easiness of use of the automobile. The rent of the vehicle for stocking-hour, cost between 5 and 7. The system counts on four plans: annual familiar, annual individual, weekly and daily. The entrance tax, for the participation of the program, costs of 10 the daily one, until 144 the annual one.

Another great attractive one is the easiness that the user has to rent the vehicle. The necessary user to inform the number of its wallet of qualification, to choose the plan of its desire and to pay with the credit card in a machine similar to an electronic box. Soon after the payment, the user receives a card magnetic that makes possible the release of the automobile. The return of the automobile can be made in any one amongst the 33 points of attendance. Moleza n? To walk of electric car for the streets of Paris, without if worrying if the tires they are bald, if gasoline is finishing or things it type. The manager of the Autolib, Morald Chibout, tells: ' ' The intention is to convince the people to change the idea to possess an car for the one to use an car, what it optimizes time and money, therefore the cost is inferior to the one to use txi' '. The phase of tests of the program finishes day 5 of December and from this day the number of vehicles will go to increase, arriving the 250, as well as the number of attendance points, jumping for 75. The cost of the project was of 235 million, but the City hall of Paris entered with a financial aid of 35 million. The project intends to reach 1000 central offices of attendance and 3500 vehicles circulating, up to 2014. The Autolib is not the pioneer in the branch. The Car2go, is a program similar and already it was consolidated in Hamburg and Ulm in Germany, in Vancouver in Canada and Austin in the United States, having more than 35mil registered in cadastre users. Source: Liqui Tires

Pitfalls Of Tenancy Advice By The Lawyer

Because of permanent changes in the field of tenancy law particularly in the legislation and the case law, the appointment of a specialist is essential. The commercial and the residential tenancy law are very complex and extensive areas of law. In Germany, no homeowners are a significant part of the population, but in contrast to other countries, the ratio of tenants is very high, these jurisdictions affect many people in Germany. Many issues can be the background of tenancy disputes. Landlord’s refusal to pay security deposits, the attempt of an eviction or a notice to escape. If there are different interpretations between the parties with respect to a renovation or a service charge settlement.

Often, there are also problems with regard to the payment of end money for the use of the living quarters. All of this is problematic, but it is solvable. In these cases, a lawyer for tenancy law in Cologne should be consulted in principle. This counsel can competently and quickly give answers to the various questions related to these areas of law. So, lengthy dispute between the tenants can be avoided and a solution be found for both sides it is live allows you to. Already a first consultation, so an initial consultation with a lawyer for tenancy law in Cologne can bring light into the darkness and clarify an opaque and difficult case in this area of law. The tenancy is a part of civil law jurisdiction and regulated in the civil code. It thus forms a very important part of the civil law and regulates the legal relations of the Contracting Party in connection with the onerous assignment of a thing.

As already mentioned, it is to distinguish between the living room and business room rent. When plots are rented out and a part of the lease is also draw income from this land, is called rent. This can be the case if a restaurant is leased. You are then on lease agreements To apply regulations of landlord/tenant law according to. Whether it comes to the conclusion of the contract or to enter into a lease agreement. In all these cases, bind both the landlord and the tenant for a long time and have various rights and obligations, their enforcing can cause significant problems if the other party balks. It is very important that the legal adviser has a good overview of the provisions of the landlord/tenant law, to adequately and extensively can advise the legally interested clients. If mistakes are made here, finally costly may be consequences, which are not so easy to revise. Here, a lawyer for tenancy, which advises especially in Cologne, can provide many tips to defend the Cologne clients effective and assertive. The tenancy disputes court may be for example the District Court or the Court of the relevant place. This is decided according to the value of the dispute. Also the Courts of the land may qualify as place of jurisdiction. Here, a detailed examination by the lawyer for tenancy law is necessary, as well as on all other issues as a possible claim otherwise for example inadmissibility can be rejected. Contact: lawyer H. Tieben mth Tieben & partner Saxon ring 34 50677 Cologne Tel.: 0221/20426165