Public Runet ambiguously refers to the corporation Google – some with unconcealed awe and love, while others consider a monopolist and a dictator, and others – in general, do not know who is Google. I will not take a side, or get silly conversation, from the category – "a good man is not Bill Gates." Especially since this post is not an ode, and not a protest, it is my experience optimization blogging routine. So, what services I can help them relieve? I have no talk about Adsense, Analytics, Internet marketing tools, such as Trends, or the latest novelties. I want to start with organizing food and time "production process". I think it is relevant to the topic of my blog, because – "Time – Money. " So what else Google can help beginners and experienced blogger? 1) Gmail.
It's like everyone knows e-mail. In general, about this I could not write, but a good thing, especially if you have a blog service Blogger. Not only is the mail rather quality, so you will still only account for the entire economy. By absurd, I almost never use box from Google, even in the blog, is registered box from a Yandex. I do not know what I saw on the eve of registration, but that does not mean I'm a fan of Yandeksovskoy mail, in fact, both services are good, it just happened, as changed hands do not reach. 2) Reader. In my opinion, the most convenient RSS-reader. Working with him is easy and convenient.