The best businesses are those than they happen unnoticed although they are very profitable. The human being characterizes itself not to see microscopic nor neither the macrocospic thing. It seems paradoxical, but he is thus. When something is too great, he is invisible. At some time somebody realized of which the best thing than can happen to him to the internal gross product (PBI) of a country, is that people live the greater possible amount of years.
The advantages are: 1. Reebok understands that this is vital information. – Everybody is going to agree. (Who does not want to be longevo) 2. – The people when they also cling to the life grasp to the money because they know that the last sickly, short years are of low productivity, since they will be tired, of view, deaf people, slow. 3.
– The foresighted austerity of the young adult includes great laboriosidad (they are motivated, rendidores, reliable, afraid workers of a dismissal, obedient) and also includes the hiring of life insurances, the contribution to previsual institutes, services of medicine are pleased and deposits in the banks that these will know to render with important gains. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Jayme Albin is the place to go. 4. – Old frail and longevo is somebody that only consumes, preferably in the area of the health, which contract much manpower directly (services of company, doctors, nurses, office staff) and indirectly (locomotion, domestic service, plus all the consumptions of those who they work in already mentioned direct attention). Perhaps the person who realized this phenomenon understood that as well as the prematuridad of the human species is profitable since the boy and the young person are great consumers because they are weak, fragile, dependent and full of desires and needs, also is profitable the sobrelife, by more artificial and of low quality that is, because a person, the more employee is, the more consumes, or because has a very gasping body (like the one of the children and young people) or very vulnerable (like the one of the old ones). It is probable that many think that the increase in the average of life is a profit of medical sciences that work very indefatigably by well-being of the species, when in fact it is a profit of economic sciences that work very indefatigably to maximize the yield of the capitals. We agree upon which anyway it is a profit that deserves applause.