Absence Prolonged

Despite the fact that today it is increasing the number of couples who choose, after your separation or divorce by a regime of custody, which implies an assumption by both parents of paper balanced on the upbringing and education of their children, the truth is that, today, the general rule is still single-parent custodyusually being granted in favour of the mother. Thus the father is normally confined to the limits imposed it their right to visits, and that hinders considerably the possibility for it to develop a relationship complete with their children, preventing thus that they can enjoy in the greater part of his life from that benchmark figure that is the father. Consequences of this decoupling father children without a doubt, for all children, especially boys, parents pose real models to imitate and which take an example. Likewise, this fatherly figure makes them feel tremendously protected, in the economic as well as the affective and social aspect. This allows them to mature, reaching a balanced and healthy, adults who may develop perfectly functional social relations with others (especially at the affective level).

The absence of the father causes small, on the contrary, in addition to an obvious emotional deprivation, lack of a model of identity, which is usually found behind factors such as insecurity, its greater timidity and lower self-esteem and, in many cases, its abrupt drop in school performance. Ultimately, such absence could considerably ballast its future development. It is precisely for this reason for which currently promotes greatly the adoption of regimes of shared custody between parents as a way to ensure that the trauma arising from the separation or divorce of the parents may be minimal. Begona basin Alcaine original author and source of the article.