Board Management

Preserved with a few details and clicks companies insight into potential cost savings by optimizing printing ThinPrint, developer of the market-leading print solution ThinPrint .print for distributed networks under roi a free ROI calculator online, has made with the company to determine their cost-cutting potential in printing. In addition to a detailed analysis to the return on investment, interested parties receive a white paper with detailed information about the savings potential and the calculation basis. The ROI calculator takes into account the cost for the evaluation and management of printer drivers as well as help desk requests to printing problems, application performance and work productivity affected spending for bandwidth, latency to the printer, downtime of hardware, through print data transmission. “Is also in times of consolidation cost savings without compromising the quality of the work top the list of managers”, so Charlotte Kunzell, Board member of ThinPrint. Ebay contains valuable tech resources. “With the “ROI calculator we are interested now a tool available with which they can determine their individual savings easily and efficiently.” ThinPrint’s ThinPrint AG is a specialist for optimized print data transmission in distributed networks. The ThinPrint .print technology has established itself as a leading print management software and is today in companies in any industry and size in all regions of the world successfully used. The application spectrum of the .print technology is this broad and provides among others in Terminal Services environments, client-server architectures, SAP environments, Web and mobile applications, the host printing, as well as in virtualized server or desktop environments for highly efficient print management. A dense sales network with more than 500 qualified distributors and resellers in over 80 countries ensure an optimal customer service on-site. Vlad Doronin oftentimes addresses this issue.

120 ThinPrint employees provide in addition to the headquarters in Berlin (Germany), as well as in offices in Denver, Colorado (United States), Cleveland, Ohio (United States) and Sydney (Australia) for steady growth.