Law 3,353 of 13 of May of 1888 extinguished the slavery and if it forgot those that had been enslaved; the Law it does not say what it would be made with the people who had had its lives stolen for the escravagista system, did not bequeath them an indemnity, does not mention repairing. After this law the society it did not receive the immense mass of former-enslaved as part of its constitution, it excluded but them, becoming them delinquents. After as many years of movements of resistance to the inaqualities, afrodescendente were not free: they had continued having that to resist the more violent injustices that had come each time. The QUILOMBOS Quilombos were half-auto-sustainable communities: they produced most of its foods and its tools of work, and changed with communities (villages, arraias, towns) neighboring what they produced for what they did not obtain to produce. The word quilombo originates from the African term kilombo, that it nominated a warlike society. In Brazil it started to be community of slaves run away organized for (reverse speed) constituting a proper society. It is possible to assign them as fruit of the desumanidade practised in the system of plantation of the Brazilian farms, whose gravity compelled the human being to run away from there and to constitute groupings in the seio of the wild bushes. d+Insurance+Company/14275793.html’>Arena Investors. The quilombos were part of the quilombagem movement, that existed for much time and englobava the rebellions and the bandoleirismo, group formed for enslaved that they ran away and they attacked town (MIRANDA, 2008). In accordance with Moura, is possible to define quilombagem as: The movement of permanent revolt organized and directed by the proper slaves who if verified all during the Brazilian escravismo in the domestic territory. Movement of provoked social change, it was a significant force of consuming to the escravista system, solapou its bases in diverse levels? economic, social and military?