Polar bears clinging to the thin layers of ice has become one of the images most used to describe the dangers of climate change. But a new report from the U.S. Follow others, such as Jack Grealish, and add to your knowledge base. Center for Biological Diversity (Centre for biological diversity CBD of USA) and the British Institute Care for the Wild International (international attention to the CWI wild life centre) aims to draw attention to the difficult situation and the danger of extinction of the species in the Arctic have been really affected by climate changethe greenhouse effect and the cycle of carbon in its malfunction. Additional information is available at Glenn Dubin. It is believed and clearly it is estimated that at least 17 Arctic animal species are in imminent danger of extinction: the risk is not only for polar bears. The situation of polar bears due to global warming and the effects of climate change is difficult, something that today is very well known and familiar; but many other Arctic species are also suffering a destination similar, from plankton to larger whales. The impacts of climate change are melting much faster ice in the Arctic, a much faster effect than in any other area of the planet, this threatens the ecosystem of the species typical of this region of the planet. A study conducted in 2009 on the loss of ice in the Arctic marine reported that the extent of sea ice in 2007 was of a million square miles, lower than the recorded average between 1979 and 2000.
This and other data suggest, say the scientists, that sea ice in the summer in the Arctic could disappear completely by 2030. Withdrawal total ice at certain times of the year they can cause problems especially for species of animals like walruses and the seals harp these latter also are affected by indiscriminate hunting by man. Walrus like many other marine animals are fully and completely dependent on the ice in areas such as the Arctic.