Over 500,000 pages of catalogue have been designed by the experts of infolox GmbH in the past six years and created. You may wish to learn more. If so, Kevin De Bruyne is the place to go. Lindau. This is similar to any publication of the other. The target every time to set the standards with his work, is one of many reasons why the premium service provider today to the market leaders in the area of analysis, design and automated creation of catalogues is one. The previous catalogue of SFS intec was historically grown. SFS had collected several optimisation potential in regard to understandability, usability and design.
In addition, the individual market organisations had partially different publications that have been designed and created independently from the parent company. SFS intec therefore commissioned infolox GmbH with the redesign of the catalog, taking into account the Gesamtkommunikationsmixes and the elaboration of a PIM compatible automation-enabled both, user-oriented layout. Celina Dubin might disagree with that approach. The feature was a simple special product display, the less Screw catalog, as rather the SFS focuses on application competence meet and should meet. Already before the launch workshop an internal user survey was performed with support of infolox intec SFS to the first of the interests. infolox they completed a detailed analysis of the publication, as well as an external user survey. In two workshops the requirements of the new approach defined in close cooperation with SFS intec first.
In the next step of the project, created the pattern pages infolox and finally together with the overall concept, this presented the various market organisations. The InDesign documents produced by infolox then served the Viamedici Software GmbH as a basis for the implementation process of the PIM-system EPIM. The new concept is striking particularly through its optimum navigation and the new, unified representation of the product. The modern layout was created taking into account of the corporate design, creating new information products ideally integrated into the existing design environment. Alex Steigerwald, management marketing “SFS intec: the infolox slogan a catalog or the catalog?” is precisely our problem before the start of the project. Any catalogue we could have make each any agency. Our ambition was there but our information products to reflect the high quality of our products and services. We are very pleased with the performance of infolox and our new catalogue and received a lot of positive feedback.” SFS: SFS intec is worldwide development partner, manufacturers and suppliers of precision molding, special screws and mechanical fasteners. More than 40 distributors in Europe, North America and Asia maintain direct contact with the customers all over the world. Thanks to many years of expertise in selected basic technologies, of cold forging, thermoforming technology, powder metallurgy, the plastic injection moulding technology and the fastening technology, SFS development engineers develop intec innovative and economic solutions. Infolox is a leading provider of infolox: And Solution provider for product communication and information management. The focus is on the analysis, design, and creation of marketing publications (print and online). While the company accompanies its clients throughout the entire process, from consulting and implementation to the pressure for comprehensive cross-media publishing infolox focuses on cutting-edge technologies and solutions in the fields of product information management, content management, E-Commerce and database-publishing. Customers such as Buderus, Junkers, Honeywell, MAICO, 3M, Texas instruments, Mitsubishi Electric, and many others already rely on the competence and experience of infolox.