They provide a snug fit wings. " Evil spirits or pure trash? Alas, not only in Ukraine by unscrupulous producers to write off the marriage on unexplained phenomena. Such a convenient excuse resort and domestic companies. In Rostov-on-Don in the street Gagarin's apartment Claudia Taratushkinoy installed new plastic windows. But a week later the white frame turned yellow, there was mold on the window sill, and inside the glass with condensation. On appeal mistress representatives of the firms responded original installer.
In their statement, temperature, pressure and humidity in the apartment were significantly higher than normal for premises – in this case, it was the cause of all problems. And see this not only as intervention of supernatural forces, creating an unhealthy climate. However, any competent professional can easily unravel this "evil" situation. Condensation inside the glass is most often indicates that there was a decompression structure. The reason may be factory marriage or mechanical impact: for example, a blow on the glass. In the first case, the buyer has the right to replace the glass in During the warranty period, which by current standards is not less than 5 years.
"As for the yellowed plastic, the color change indicates that the production of pvc profiles have been used substandard additives, which determine its lightfastness. Of course, this is a good reason to apply to the claims of the manufacturer – says Rafik Alekperov. – According to gost 30673-99 "Profiles for pvc window and door frames, window profile should not change their properties for 40 years.