You often had to receive waivers from the potential customer after perfectly prepared, in your opinion, the commercial proposal for the development of the site? If you make websites in order, probably, such cases were, and likely the customer argument was: “it’s too expensive, I offer a much cheaper”. If you have read about Arjun Sethi already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Familiar? Then let’s try to understand what lies beneath this phrase and what must be done to avoid such cases. Most customers underestimate the full extent of all the possibilities (and some do not even have this idea), which offer advanced Internet technology. Chamath Palihapitiya has firm opinions on the matter. They relate to the creation of the site, as regular off-line advertising campaign. Thus, the main task of an effective business proposal – to show the benefits and opportunities that the customer will receive from your investment.
Unfortunately, the show has already finished work like nice and professional they may seem, can not cope with this task. Looking at some of your work, the customer does not receive that necessary information on the benefits that it could get, as your client. It Therefore, each offer for the development of the site must contain at least some assessment of what the final cost-effectiveness of the project. Baseline data to evaluate the profitability could provide statistics on the number a search engine for the last period of time. Services such statistics provided by many search engines in the public domain. For reporting purposes it is convenient to use the service statistics Yandex: When using the service be aware that groups Yandex search phrases with the same words in the body of the request.
Thus, the number of requests of the first phrase in the list includes a number of inquiries about it the most, as well as the sum of all next on the list. For seasonal businesses will be useful phrases distribution statistics by month. Pay attention to the right column. There are statistics query phrases that are searched with analyzed sentence. Here you can additional requests that match the required subjects. Having these statistics you an idea of the size of the target audience of the future site and, consequently, the estimate number of potential customers to your customer. Talk about the exact calculations of your customer’s transactions took place here is certainly not necessary, since all the data obtained is very dependent on many parameters to take into account that virtually impossible. This site position in search engines for a particular search query, to determine in advance which is virtually impossible. This appeal Internal text and graphic content site, which in most cases provides the customer himself and many other factors that are almost independent of the Executive draft: Competitiveness prices Goods and services provided by your customer, level of training of managers; Progress processing orders; Employment of telephone lines; schedule company and many others looking at faktory.Ne The proximity of the statistical data received, they will demonstrate the potential availability of a new market, the extent of which is likely to be simply not commensurate with the alternative off-line solutions. Of course, provision of such statistics is not the only method of increasing the efficiency of the offer, but in my opinion, should be an integral part.