Creole Freedom

10 In this region it predominated as already the presence of atafonas for the cassava flour production and its derivatives was said previously. Thus at the time of the plantation, until the weeding, contingent of enslaved man power was increased in the small properties that did not have as to keep certain number of captives continuously. In the period between harvest the slave could use itself as mason and carpenter in the maintenance of atafonas, or in the treatment with the animals, visa the controlled easiness of displacement of these. At the time of the harvest the slave, next to the small or average proprietor, or to its subordinate, was who harvested the cassava, he carreteava until the sheds of atafona and was who he worked in the device and he was same who kept the dumb one for the new plantation. Practical of the farming that still today is observed in these localities, done for work hand logically he exempts, but still days laborer.

The capacity to move itself to provide the subsistence expressed the expression ' to live on si' , something I begin that it was forbidden the slave. …. More feasible in the villages and cities, exactly in great farms the captives knew of close this possibility and looked for exercise-there … in many cases of emancipation. But this capacity to move itself mentioned one to it specific direction of freedom. It meant, basically, freedom to choose and to establish new bows of friendship, family or patronagem, …. 11 purchase of freedom also occurred with slave Felcia, Creole, 12 that as had freedom to circulate it executed works of where took off income to buy its freedom, that cost it eight doblos, in 27 of November of 1847. More rare in the letters of this period it is to find some without conditions imposed to the slaves.