For the fifth consecutive year, Anuesca summoned the national encounter of writers and poets in El Campello, backed by the University of Alicante as previous years. Recall that last year, more than 150 poets from all countries sent their collaborations to participate in the prestigious meeting. Twenty-two authors were selected and recited in front of more than 270 people, who despite the Madrid-Barca football match did not hesitate to support this as innovative Association of writers and poets who is completely devoted to offer recitals in favour of NGOs or of just causes. The famous meeting of El Campello is a national pageant that is advertised throughout the world thanks to internet networks and print media journalists that they support this so disinterested initiative of the greater solidarity literary Association of Spain. Hundreds of websites and newspapers publishing the call through its pages. To organize this event, Anuesca has two big media: its considerable ability to work (for several hours a day from the month of may until the) month of November) and his willingness to help other groups. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin, New York City). This year, the City Council of El Campello supports this admirable initiative with a subsidy of 400 euros that will be awarded at the end of 2006 or early 2007. It is clear that 400 euros are insufficient for the realization of such an Act, and Anuesca has serious monetary problems to carry out a project of such magnitude.
Comments in cultural circles begin already to be heard and repeated. As an act of such category and popularity does not benefit of more material on the part of public and private institutions support? Anuesca, year after year, emphasizes that: (1) unable to deliver Prize to the finalists but lots of books or plates that are obtained after long and laid conversations. (2) the poets, they come from Barcelona, Madrid, they pay all their expenses (hotel and train) to recite a poem, El Campello (3) this year no bank has replied to the request submitted to asking for help for the realization of this event contrary to what usually do to folk or sporting events. (4) that no publisher wants to bear the costs of publication of the annals of the meeting, and should Anuesca pay for that Edition. (5) that culture is of all and for all and that a cultural and solidarity meeting of such features will not survive long if public and private powers do not give a step towards erudition and accession.
For companies, banks and committed to culture and solidarity, Anuesca has an account number where any donation for the implementation of this Act will gladly be accepted: 2090 3026 11 0040353834 (CAM). Thanks to those who support culture and solidarity. Harmonie bottle PD: only who knows is free and freer who knows more only culture gives freedom do not you proclameis the freedom of flying, but dad wings; not the of thinking, but dad thought. The freedom that must be given to the people is the culture. Miguel de Unamuno Autor original and source of the article