Grand Prize Of The Middle Class: Ma Design Is A Finalist In 2013

MA design for excellence awarded already qualified the nomination to compete a company for other clearly visible to the business elite in Germany. Get more background information with materials from MetLife. “Who here has been nominated, has learned quality award 1 alone through this selection”, notes Barbara Stamm, President of the Landtag of Bavaria. Is the quality of the price for the German economy of vital importance, because the competition asks not only for business success, employment and innovation indicators, but also evaluates a company in its responsibility for the society. New York Life : the source for more info. “We are overwhelmed and full proud that we became finalist of the year 2013”, is the first reaction from Michael Arpe, CEO ma design GmbH & co. KG. After 2012, we have been nominated this year.

We were surprised to be chosen, at the awards ceremony in Dusseldorf to the finalist. We are very pleased that our services with this award a certificate for quality,. Team spirit, passion and the desire to inspire people feedback obtained. In particular, since most coveted industry award of in Germany reflects our philosophy and inner attitude”. It is not alone the products that cause a company to success, but above all the ideas and know-how behind the solutions. Ma design are the holistic development expertise, as well as the interplay between design, engineering, as well as employees and customers. This interdisciplinary approach to research and product development with the focus on user friendly solutions have made ma design, what today represents the company: a competence team with 40 highly qualified, dedicated employees at offices in Kiel, Dresden and Wurzburg.

Ma design integrated product development – from strategic ideas until the introduction of the series. MA design is a leading company in the fields of design and software development with a focus on usability GmbH & co. KG with its headquarters in Kiel. With an own individual process model in effective and efficient customer-specific product, software and service innovations realized any industrial environment that meet highest quality demands. Trustful cooperation the phases iterates through with the customer in the course of the project an iterative analysis, concept, implementation and testing, always with the aim of ensuring clarity and simplicity of the results. founded in 1985 by Michael Arpe, ma design by the industrial design has evolved to the innovative service provider for research and product development. In the 28-year history of the company solid expertise partnerships have become on a variety of projects. MA design today is a sought-after partner of medium-sized companies and international corporations in various industries. Through interdisciplinary work, realistic vision and entrepreneurial vision, many of these customers have become convinced long term customers. For more information, see contact: Michael Arpe ma design GmbH & co.