The essence of this is the freedom, that is, right and laws. each nation contributes for the historical progress having therefore a History, and being this last manifestation of the reason. Hegel estimated that the history of the humanity has reached, through the humanitarian process, a progress spiritual and advanced moral and in the direction of its proper self-knowledge. According to it, History has an intention the holy ghost that is the gradual accomplishment and concretion of the freedom human being. To make the transistion or change of the wild life for a state of order and law, where it operates the right, is a revolution. For Hegel the manifest idea if as historical process: ‘ ‘ Universal history nothing more is of what the manifestation of razo’ ‘. Hegel is a philosopher who serves to the beddings and marxist thoughts, a time that its conception of that the States have that to be found and to be kept by the use of force and violence, as only half possible to make with that the human being is bent over and obeyed to the laws and pass to accept the rationality of the commanded life.
Some individuals will accept the laws and, therefore, they will be free, plus others, however, they will be remained enslaved. In the modern world, in accordance with Hegel, all the men are free in essence, fitting to the proper human beings, institutions to create under which will be and they will become free in fact. the only institution that will go to carry through and to lead the men route to the full freedom and happiness will be the State. Hegel is studied in Theory of History due its referring ideas and principles to the philosophy of History, and for being well-known an idealistic individual of and complex importance to understand on which points the marxism if it took possetion and it denied the hegeliano thought. A legacy left us that is the dialtico process, that would be a progression in which each successive movement of the origin the solution of the contradictions inherent to the previous movement. Hegel left followers who had divided themselves in two main and contrary fields. The hegelianos of right, disciples right-handers of the philosopher at the time of the University of Berlin, had subsequent to defended the evanglica ortodoxia and the conservadorismo politician of the period the Napoleonic restoration. Of left they had arrived to be called of young hegelianos and had interpreted Hegel in a revolutionary direction, it lead what them to have a bigger attention to atesmo in the religion and the socialism in the politics.
Amongst the hegelianos of left Bauer meets, Feuerbach, Strauss, the Stirner and, most famous, Karl Marx. In century XX, Hegel became to gain it force in the half intellectual passing for a true renaissance such fact had in part for having been discovered and reevaluated as philosophical ancestor of the marxism for marxists of philosophical orientation, had to a ressurgimento of the historical perspective that Hegel placed in everything, and in part to the increasing recognition of the importance of its method dialtico. This renaissance of Hegel also placed in relief the importance of its first workmanships, that is, the published ones before the Fenomenologia of the Spirit.