
Concrete is a mixture of very different solid compounds and water. Therefore, necessarily the concrete must be a heterogeneous material. But saying that a concrete must be homogeneous indicates that it must be uniformly heterogeneous, i.e. that in any part of its mass of concrete components must be perfectly mixed and in the proportion provided for in the design of the mixture. The proper mixture of concrete components and the homogeneity of the mass can be achieved in the Kneader and mixer, but this mixture can dislocate during transport, dumping and during the compacted, giving rise to the constituent elements of the concrete tend to separate from each other and to decide according to their size and density. The loss of homogeneity is greater the smaller the cohesiveness of concrete, i.e., how much less appropriate is the relationship sand/gravel, increased the maximum size of the aggregate, greater content of water, etc. Concrete must be docile without submit segregation, i.e.

must have cohesion. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Jayme Albin. Segregation and exudation of the concrete to this undesirable phenomenon of separation of the constituent elements of the concrete mixture is referred to as segregation, and can give rise to concrete with poorly finished surfaces, bores or, conversely, excess mortar, with a large negative impact on durability and mechanical strength of the concrete. Exudation is another form of segregation that water tends to rise toward the surface of the concrete mix as a result of the inability of aggregates of drag with them when leaving compacting. This water creates a thin, weak and porous layer that has no resistance and is durable in the concrete surface. A concrete with good cohesion will be neither exudation and segregation, and will therefore be homogeneous.