Java Media Framework

What is Java Media Framework? Java Media Framework (JMF), which in Spanish translates as Java Multimedia work environment is a Java extension that allows scheduling multimedia tasks in this programming language. Problem with Java Media Framework: since Linux systems are relatively very different. An extension of JMF for each platform has been created. The problem that seeks to resolve with this article its installation on Linux Ubuntu operating system. The one which is a little complicated, but not impossible. It has created a tutorial with several ways to install the Java Media Framework (JMF) in Linux Ubuntu, which can be found at the following page: Here you will find a forum dedicated to the object oriented programming. Aid, facilities, and everything you need to get into this wonderful world. Installation tutorial: installation: there are 2 ways (or at least only know 2, any other is welcome) throw to walk this Framework, the 1st was not me me and however is the most widespread, so I decided to with more reason posting about this.

In 2 forms the initial steps are identical, therefore I will speak of the common process and at the end of what distinguishes both installation methods: common process: 1. Download JMF (obviously the Linux version) from aqui.2. Place the downloaded file in your home.3 folder. Open a terminal and type: sh jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin 4. Write YES to all the questions and ready, you will have a folder called JMF-2.1. 1e in your home folder. Method 1: 5.

Open a terminal and type the following commands (this gives the necessary environment variables high): export JMFHOME=/home/tu_usuario/JMF-2.1.1eexport CLASSPATH=$JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar:.:$CLASSPATHexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH =$ JMFHOME/lib:$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH 6. Ready. Consult the following applet to find out if your installation was successful (the optimum result should say: All Java Build Native Libraries Found.) If your installation was not successful, you can try 2nd method. Before doing so equals 3 variables of