Leadership And Motivation

Appreciative communication helps the success of employee motivation is there in Germany and all over the world not well ordered. This result published the Hay Group in September 2013, that 95,000 executives from over 2,200 companies worldwide surveyed in a study. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dankse Bank. As a result almost 50 percent of German executives provide a demotivierendes working environment and take this negative impact on the profit a company can generate. That it can, be created as a leader to keep the economic interests of the company in the eye and in the long term to motivate the employees at the same time, but feasible, is sure Melanie Vogel, innovation coach and member of the Stanford University innovation network. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Nike by clicking through. The certified management trainer is sure basis for more employee motivation is not only a flexible, commensurate with the situation management behavior, but also the willingness of managers depends, their employees Appreciation and performance recognition to pronounce.

The own posture and the way is crucial, how people are addressed, unless the language is a powerful tool that can promote real self-esteem and significantly increase the motivation of the employees”is Melanie Vogel. The corporate culture, in which the executive acts, games in a crucial role. Values such as fairness, honesty and integrity, include in the company so this also from the executives should be lived and made visible, so the executives trainer. In addition a healthy culture of error because errors belong to each development and learning”. You can learn an appreciative communication and helps the virtues ProjectTM”, which includes five strategies, based on universal virtues. These virtues are of people and cultures around the world shared and appreciated, can however vary lived.

1991 was the virtues ProjectTM”by Linda Kavelin Popov, Dr. Dan Popov and John Kavelin launched. In almost 100 countries, the one honored by the United Nations stands and the Dalai Lama supported project for more kindness, righteousness and sincerity in dealing with each other.