Media Designer

“” Chamber of Commerce and Federal Labour Minister draw Vera Vetter as vintage best of until now Federal best country best: the Marburger media designer Vera Vetter was on 13 December by German Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the German of industry and Chamber of Commerce (DIHK) Hans Heinrich drift man in Berlin as a German best “among the trainees ‘ awarded. More than 1000 visitors watched the ceremony in Berlin. As an example”and professional employees of the future” described drift man the media designer of the Marburger agency uphoff pr & marketing Vera Vetter. You and 212 more examination graduates from the entire Federal Republic had distinguished himself by outstanding achievements in more than 300,000 trainees from 209-IHK professions. In January, Vera Vetter had very good your training with the overall”completed and already has been awarded as the country best of their vintage. The site, designed by the 26 year old native Franke Board as thesis, convinced the Audit Committee as well as their theoretical knowledge and their use in school and Operation. Since April 2010, Vera Vetter is one of the established team of uphoff pr & marketing. “Their knowledge and skill sets the media designer for regional and even nationwide active customers of her company” a: Agency Chief Dr.

Karin Uphoff is proud: Vera Vetter their creativity can live with us and the team, as well as our customers benefit from their professional approach. ” Contact: uphoff pr & marketing GmbH Alfred-Wegener-str. 6 35039 Marburg Tel.