Here are some basic keys to follow when designing the best website, if you want to be so. If you follow these steps in the design of your web site, you’ll be good way to get your visitors to become customers. 1 Web sites of fast charging: this is the number one all web design must be respected. This point has been mentioned on several occasions in development and design pages web professionals, but should insist for not losing sight. It is essential to ensure that your pages are fast as lightning, because thus moves the information on the current web, and if you are not able to keep pace, your visitors will simply abandon your site looking for websites that give them what they want in the shortest possible time. Remember, you can have a great design, but few people will stop to admire it if it takes too long to load, try that your web not later more than a few seconds to appear on the browser. If it isn’t, something are optimizing evil. 2.
Clear navigation: once a visitor comes to your website, you need to run it through a series of routes until it reaches the goal of the site (buy a product, Subscribe to a newsletter, register for a forum, etc.). So it is necessary to have a navigation clear and simple, so that the information is less than 3 clicks of the mouse. Some guidelines that have always worked for me:-main horizontal Menu: a group of links in the header of the web site, with the main sections, much helps the Navigator to find the information you want, wherever you are within your web site. You can see you an example on this website, the most important sections are featured in the header, so anyone can view them from anywhere. -Vertical menus at left and right: before the blogs already used this kind of vertical information organization, but thanks to them its use is much more widespread and has become universal, more usable.