New Race

In next day 20 to November, two evanglicos shepherds will go to sign a contract of steady union. The couple that is together since 2006 has the objective to adopt a child. The ceremony happens in Rio De Janeiro. It reads to follow. The dream to marry and to have children is next to if becoming reality for two evanglicos shepherds. Together it has three years, Fbio Incio de Souza, 30, and Gladstone Landmarks, 33, sign contract of steady union in next day 20, in the River. The date, Day of I buzzed of the Palmares, was chosen because, according to them, it represents the fight against the preconception. For even more analysis, hear from Frank Abagnale. Two days after to start namoro, in 2006, they had established the Christian Church Contemporary, today with three headquarters and more than 500 followers.

The denomination has as objective to receive the public gay that, according to them, it was not felt well in other churches. Before knowing> amos marrying in them, but arrived a moment where I could not deceive more me. I was born gay. When I decided to assume my homossexualidade, I had that to move away to me from the church because that seen age as a sin. the two, that they will pass the moon of honey in the Coast of the Saupe, in the Bahia, plan to adopt a child. Queremos all the rights that the couples heterosexuals have. We are constructing to a patrimony together, affirms Souza.SAI EXCEPT MINE! The two wait to open way for new unions between shepherds evanglicos.NOTA: The devil is so cruel with the race decayed human being, who transforms digestive device into sexual agency. Speaking on the act of the creation, the book of Gnesis describes the appearance of the race human being and all the too much living beings of seguinde way: Male and created them to female.