Online Logo Design

Logo-go! – Online logo design for everyone! The cost of the logo. Corporate identity design. Seeing the world E. Warhol. Andy Warhol had his own vision of the world. For even more opinions, read materials from Danske Bank. For Warhol, this way of seeing – what he called 'Pop' – had a formative value is so strong that as soon as man 'became a Pop', he 'could not see symbols such as the above, and, of course,' could not have ever again see America the same as before. " Statement that the vision and thinking in the style of 'Pop' is not only made everything look different, but also allowed him and his eccentric friends 'suddenly' feel 'insiders', in my view, Warhol gives us important insights into the attractiveness and potential political power Pop Art. The aim of this work is an attempt to understand how the world of pop art is embodied in the paintings and films of Warhol as a pop art achieves this effect, and what it means to 'feel' yourself an insider.

Perhaps the word 'insider' is significant for the Warhol because of the prevalence in the 50's and early 60's image of 'outsider', which was probably due to the book by Colin Wilson in 1956 'The Outsider', where the latter is on examples of various' outsiders examine the impact of pressure norms in contemporary Western culture. " One of his theses is that the status of 'outsider' (meaning the exclusion and 'abnormality') help, at the same time, to see the invisible other structural elements of society. Thinking in terms of 'outsiders' and 'insiders', gay 50's, like Warhol, could get, even before the policy Walls and identity, the terminology, which helped to express and even politicizing experience that feeling 'Other' in the homophobic culture. In saying that Pop had allowed him to feel an insider, Warhol suggests that Pop, among other things, was a tactic of survival in the homophobic world.