They are very creative and visionary and can give the impression of being away from reality at times. Additional information is available at Intel. Entrepreneurs constantly have new ideas. They are very good at starting new projects, need help to carry them out, but never to end them. If Ud possesses these qualities, should consider this type of business in Internet projects:-build a business on the Internet – author of books, courses and videos – writing sales letters – develop a software from an idea – planned events 2.-people who can implement are people that they make things happen. They can take a project and carry it out. You know take the ideas of others and have the organizational ability to execute them. This type of person is that more is needed in the Internet.
Many times are the right hand of an entrepreneur. They work very well together, since one cannot exist without the other. An implementer is as an Operations Manager. They see what can be done with something that has already been done. For example, they can take a video conference and transform it into a digital book in a course online or a voucher for another product. If Ud possesses these qualities, should consider this type of business in Internet projects: A.-projects that teach others – create an ebook – created an online course – create a membership page – created a service – create a software B.-projects that help others to do things: create systems for entrepreneurs. -To facilitate the use of something – so they can sell better than other C-project that offer the service do everything on the other hand – created type programs do it yourself. 3 Manager or administrator are people that they have a great ability to organize.
They are the Secretaries that coordinate all the activities of a business over the Internet and organize the other members of the team. If Ud possesses these qualities, should consider this type of business in Internet projects: – the service of managing a project – a virtual Assistant or VA administrative – a VA real estate – a VA accounting – a membership Manager – a membership site manager – a moderator for a site or group 4.-technical if you are a person who understands a computer in innately and thinks that the mouse is a natural extension of his arm, then has a great future in the Internet, since without Ud things will not work! I personally, as an Internet entrepreneur, love this kind of people. More than once I have saved the day. They know exactly when one is to point of throwing the computer out the window and fix everything in a matter of seconds. If Ud possesses these qualities, should consider this type of business in Internet projects:-Web master or administrator of web pages – software producer – programmer – graphic designer – writer of pages of sale – Transcriber – technical for audio and video – expert in social pages – teacher or Professor original author and source of the article.