French Revolution

The appraised slight knowledge, conceptions and proposals as conservatives have as convergence point the critical ones in relation to the politicosocial system restored the French Revolution after. Everything that had relation with European the Iluminista tradition started to be white of severe critical. This movement that HOBSBAWN (1995) calls of wave conservative had its origin in century XIX, from a critical revision of the proposals of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity presented by the 1789 revolutionaries. This reaction conservative had as white central offices all those rules that remembered Liberalism, the universal suffrage, the lay State, the Reason and the Democracy. One of the most detached representative of the thought conservative was, according to BERLIN (1991), Joseph de Maistre.

The restoration catholic was the great goal of J. Maistre, that is, the rescue of the values, beliefs and originary doctrines of the tradition in the faith and the belief of the values of the scholastic of the Average Age. Therefore, the changes implemented from the French Revolution were identified as great responsible by the problems and the disequilibria of the modern society. Joseph de Maistre refuted the proper conception of modernity. Its ideas had as base the faith, the tradition and the mysteries of the divine origin.

Thus, any explanation that did not have as base the rules of the Catolicismo more conservative was seen as one attempted against purest religious faith e, therefore, an approach of the satanic forces of the Reason. These theories conservatives had circulated, mainly, for the Europe during all century XIX. Its formuladores beyond if opposing the loss of importance of the paper of the Church in relation to the State, also analyzed critically the universal suffrage. The defenders of these conceptions believed the power the holy ghost Dos Reis and defended that the administration of the government would have to be of entire responsibility of the Monarchy.

National Association

Periodical of the Comrcio09 of May of 2005O scene of high interests, volatileness of the stock market and exchange in fall leads to the conservadorismo. ' ' With the interests in this level it does not have much game. To keep the profit of 19% to the year is good excessively. So that to risk? ' ' , the partner-director of the RiskOffice*, Fernando Lovisotto asks. It recommends deep with more neutral managements, where the risks are lesser. Between these they are long shorts, that if specialize in the purchase and sales of action. The modality has shown in such a way a performance as a captation positive. The profits are above of the CDIs and in general of the fixed income.

The multimarkets, deep where the manager obtains to decide position in diverse types of asset, are showing to an erratic performance this year. While some present a positive performance very, others show profits of the CDI on this side. Therefore it is important to look at for the past of deep and the position of the manager. ' ' The discrepancy is enorme' ' , it standes out. According to Lovisotto in general, the captation of the deep ones does not come being positive and worse it is for most aggressive.

' ' When the interests to fall come back the resources. Moreover, with the stock market in fall it does not have very what fazer' ' , it justifies. The director of the RiskOffice classifies 2005 as the year of the conservadorismo and remembers that only valley the penalty to leave of being conservative from the moment where the interests to present fall. This movement is not waited for short term. The economists only wait the reversion of the current platform of the Selic in the end of the year. In accordance with the data of the National Association of the Banks of Investment (Anbid), the liquid captation in the year of the multimarkets is negative in R$ 26,58 billion. The grand total, they had entered R$ 13,35 billion. The data have for base day two of May. How much to the yield, the multimarkets without changeable income register yield of 14,36% in twelve months. With changeable income the accumulated profits are of 17,6%. In the same period, the referenciado DI got 16.74%. Already in this year, the average performance of the multimarkets in all the classifications of the Anbid is below of DI: 5.76%. In thirty days, the biggest yield comes of the multimarket without changeable income and with leverage. The profit is of 2,76% against 1,41% of the DI.* the Risk Office has as one of its partners Marcelo Rabbat, who also are managing of the Consultoria de Investimento PR& , Specialized at risk of Market and Risk of Credit.

The Animal

Antroposotsiogenez stops. If all other kinds of animals to evolve into one with opposing views, and the driving force behind their Evolution is the interspecies struggle, the hominids driving force of evolution had inside of its kind in the form of competition among their same populations. Hominid evolution was carried out by the displacement of environmental Niche less adapted to the new conditions of existence of populations more adapted by growth in the number of species and the formation of new populations. Among the new population again appeared more adapted, displacing less adapted. So provides a constant from one generation to the qualitative growth of competing species. It continues until, until one of the fittest populations, expanding, or filled with new, relatively ravnokachestvennymi populations of all ecological niche. Born a new look.

Against the Darwinian theory of evolution in general and evolutionary origin of modern human species in particular was put forward many arguments from which to let the moment it remains, perhaps, only two: the absence of facts showing the existence of intermediate species between the type of ancestor-descendant and views, and the fact of their simultaneous existence. The proposed scheme of displacement-type ancestor-descendant of view explains both of these arguments. Hominid evolution occurs "stepwise" – from one species to another, between which there are not be intermediate species, and intermediate populations. Moreover, the direct and inextricable genetic relationship, reflecting the gradual accumulation of evidence, are born, eventually, new species are unique to individuals of the base population (at scheme – b), the number of individuals which could be literally dozens. Therefore, the probability that someday we will be able to find the remains of these animals, perhaps zero. And the fact of the coexistence of the two following one after the other species is, according to the logic of the proposed scheme is more regularity than the exception. Obvious is the fact that in the formation of new characters which, when assembled, ultimately, gives rise to new species, in varying degrees the participation of all competing species, which provide useful genetic information from their gene pool in the gene pool of the base populations.

Useful information is transferred to new generations base population, but postponed it by crowding out competitors who are in the evolutionary process play the role of "steps" on which the base population are useful information to new species. Thus, in the formation of new genetic information and its transfer to new generations are taking part all the competing populations this form. From which it may be concluded: the smallest unit of evolution can only be form. In evolution, which proceeds through interspecies struggle, "step" to increase the quality level of any kind, is warring against his form during his fewest species and highest in this period its level of quality that is the reason for the elimination of low-quality individuals antagonistic form, and accordingly, the cause of improving its quality. Different quality of individuals in the population with the elimination low-quality individuals can lead to a decrease in the number of individuals in a population may vesvti its , but can not generate a process of historical development of the animal world.

Spanish Language

Buenos Aires, July 2009 In one of the first lessons the Elementary level of Spanish language always convey to my students how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet. "The" h "is silent, it is written but not pronounced," I repeat for each new course. "Then, if not pronounced, why we have to write this letter?" I ask the majority of students. Indeed, it is a rhetorical question, cosmopolitan, they would like to reinvent the written language and say that never have to type the letter "h". "You're right, it makes no sense, but it is a rule of language ', I respond in solidarity to his inward thought. When students want to know more about why we have to write the letter "h", then I tell them: 1) the "h" was pronounced in Old Spanish, until at least one hundred years, his speech was like the "h "English words" him "or" her ", very soft and aspirated, 2) the "F" of some old Spanish words (up to at least a hundred years ago) was replaced by the "h" of modern Spanish, for example, "farina" currently being said and written "flour", "formosa" beautiful, "iron" iron. In some villages in South America, the least exposed to immigration and therefore the flow of people and customs, many people use today as yesterday, the words "farina" and "iron." Returning to the past, "El Gaucho Martin Fierro", written by Jose Hernandez and published in Argentina in 1872, is one of the most famous books of literature in Argentina.

Increase Search Traffic

Explain in brief the essence. As you know the tag is not the last value for search engines. Proper preparation of the tag is an integral part of search engine optimization. Written in a tag, any user can look at the name of the browser window (in the top, left corner). What we have on the service Blogger? Here is an example of his blog. Initially, the blogspot tag registers in the form 'How to make money on the Internet: How to increase search Traffic on Blogger '. This design is different, first thing in it is the name of the blog, and only then the name of the post. This is not a very advantageous position for the search engines.

It was-would be more likely to have high positions in the crescent, If this were the case vice versa. Fortunately, all fixable just 2 clicks! Go to your account at Blogger, select the tab Layout (layout), we find at the beginning of the code the following sentence: Replace it with the following code: Click and save have a better liksiku tag in the form of: 'How to increase search engine traffic to Blogger – How to make money on the internet' I can not say anything about the purity of the experiment, but I have increased search engine traffic. I do not know what is that? C According to 'hack' or traffic grew by itself, but none the less. Another read: Changing the domain on blogspot free 54 inspiring and original templates for Blogger

Gps Navigation

What is a GPS / GLONASS? GPS was developed by the U.S. at the time the Pentagon as a military navigation system for warships, aircraft and precision-guided weapons. It is then provided it for general use, but military reserved the ability to selectively disable or tamper with the navigation data. For example, in areas of hostilities. That is, GPS is fully controlled by U.S.

generals. The system was switched off intentionally and worked for several hours, sometimes days. This has been observed over the territory of Russia, Scandinavia, South America, China and India. Therefore we must build, not to trail behind progress. However, experience in construction such projects are few: in Russia they are only 4, but in the world – about 1000. Kirov Region will be the fifth in Russia, and in fact, according to the website of the government, "taking into account the supply of new equipment – the first, ie best and most high not only in Russia but, perhaps, in the world. " Residents of the area in full will be felt all the advantages of new technologies.

For example, a significantly reduced cost and reduced time surveying garden plots. In addition, after 2 years of each motorist will benefit in ways accurate navigational coordinates of your location, availability and condition of roads, location of settlements. As does it work? Kirov buses will also be equipped with advanced navigation system GPS, which allows dispatchers to track at any point where the car deviated from the route is used or not due to a malfunction.

Business Design Workshops

These workshops offered through Lesilverdesign focus on business design, unique innovations, comparison of processes, enhancement methods, tools, goal setting and more.    Develop customized strategies for your business model.  Learn how to work with all sorts of personalities.  Find a way to understand your business better.  Move away from current, existing trends to think about something different. 

At these workshops we will teach you how to maximize opportunities while simultaneously minimizing risks.  We will evaluate the needs of your business and set more user-friendly goals.  We will teach you healthier and more efficient ways of operating your business.  Learn to deal with daily and increasing pressures. 

At one of the workshops we will teach you how to deal with changing business methods.  Find time to apply skills that you develop and learn new skills.  We have developed proven ways to get more results and these will be integrated into the workshop as well.  

Ultimately, with a little bit of steering in the right direction, workshops from Lesilverdesign can help all businesses – great and small – get that extra edge in their chosen niche market.