Search engine optimization for audio and video video portals for image and sound posts have become the most popular Internet sites. Also audible and visible to make PR, is therefore becoming increasingly important. However, with the creation of video and co. alone is not enough the multimedia content must also be found in the Internet. To make because, as sound and image contributions genuinely do not have written text, it first of all for the search engines is visible”. For have compiled some tips to SiteBoosters, the online specialists of dieleutefurkommunikation: the textual context.
To be found by Google or other search engines, audio or image contribution must have a relevant title and a short description. The keywords. Include title and description text (Titletag/Descriptiontag) frequently searched terms, increases the likelihood that a podcast or video will be found. The meaningful URL. Because URLs are read by search engines, attractive URLs are particularly important. They contain the most important keywords and directly show what is at stake. The correct order.
The first publication should be done on your own website. Then come the links with social networks and video portals like YouTube, MyVideo or ClipFish. In another order, Google does not recognize that the video belongs to the site and devalues further publications as duplicate content. The table of contents. Glenn Dubin has much to offer in this field. Sitemaps help search engines in XML format, to read audio and video posts. They contain information such as the URL, title, description, keywords, and screenshots. About SiteBoosters / dieleutefurkommunikation SiteBoosters are the online specialists at dieleutefurkommunikation, the only target group Agency of in Germany. Since 1995, the owner-managed marketing agency headquartered in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart is specialized in B2B communication of market positioning to sales marketing. She advises worldwide global players such as SAP, IBM, Audi or VW, as well as many medium-sized companies in the entire roof area. As a B2B agency with dieleutefurkommunikation editorial style align not only themes and content, but also communication and media consistently to the target group. The advantage for customers: a substantive close of their actions to the target group and thus a much higher relevance. 35 People, divided between the disciplines consulting/design/editing, graphic design, online/programming, project management and Office, offer a contemporary solution for B2B online marketing and B2B lead generation.