South Africa

Montesquieu, in its celebrates workmanship – the Spirit of the Laws, has difficulty in accepting that the blacks can exactly be considered human being. One of last regimes politicians who if based on this racial distinction was the South Africa. The system of the Apartheid, was instituido between 1948 and 1991, involving the separation between different ' ' raas' ' , in what it respected to the property, residence, marriage, work, education, religion and sport. This system has origin in the practical segregacionistas of the followed dutch colonists since century XVII in this region of Africa. The system alone finished officially in 1994, when in the multipartisan elections of April, Nelson Mandela if became in the first black president of this country and in the head of a multiracial government.

Today, in Brazil, they live about 345 a thousand indians, distributed between 215 aboriginal societies, that perfazem about 0,2% of the Brazilian population. It fits to clarify that this population data to-somente consider those aboriginals who live in villages, having estimates of that, beyond these, has outside between 100 and 190 a thousand living of aboriginal lands, also in urban areas. It also has indications of the existence of more or less 53 groups still not-contacted, beyond existing groups that are requiring the recognition of its aboriginal condition next to the indigenista federal agency. The inhabitants of Americas had been called indians for the Europeans who had arrived here. A generic denomination, provoked for the first impression that they had had to have fond of India. Exactly after discovering that they were not in Asia, and yes in a continent until then unknown, the Europeans had continued to call them thus, ignoring propositalmente the linguistic-cultural differences. He was more easy to become the natives all equal ones, to deal with them homogeneous form, since the objective one was one only: the domain politician, economic and religious.