Stricter Limits Allow Modern Wood Combustion

New regulation emphasizes environmental friendliness of firewood and pellet heating systems Cologne in July 2010. Since spring this year new, stricter limits for the emission of dust and carbon monoxide at small and medium-sized fire seversk. But modern wood central heating need not fear these new emission levels. “On the contrary, through the new guidelines legislators underlines high ecological value and efficiency of modern wood – and pellet heating systems sustainably”, explains Dr. Lothar Breidenbach, Managing Director technology of BDH (Federal industry association House, energy and environmental technology). Problems with the regulations of this recent amendment to the 1st Federal immission protection Regulation (1st Blmschv) are likely to get only the really old wood stoves to the single room firing. “But these plants should be replaced anyway now for reasons of energy efficiency and environmental protection”, Breidenbach. Thus the State reaffirms a trend emerging for several years: wood burning is today no technique of anno dot but a high-tech heating alternative with perspective.

Because right now, where the first effects of climate change are constantly noticeable, it makes sense to use that does not burden the environment on energy. Here, Capital One Financial Corp. expresses very clear opinions on the subject. So the energy wood behaves climate-neutral, because it releases only as much CO2 during combustion, as the tree growth has bound. It is delivered so no fossil carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which fosters the climate change. Short delivery distances of fuel from domestic production enhance the exemplary LCA in the wood heater. Also work with a very clean combustion and efficiencies of over 90% of modern wood – and pellet boilers very efficiently and saving resources and money.

Also pronounced price stability for the fuel wood speaks during an incalculable cost development in fossil energy. This is based on the high security of supply of the domestic raw material. The modern wood-fired heating is an attractive and economical Heating alternative: A positive eco-balance, low fuel consumption and steady rates make the wood central heating to an investment in the future, that definitely pays off. Refer to for more information around the subject of heating with wood – also to the other Heizvarianten with wood logs and wood chips, as well as to fuel suppliers in your area. Under the heading “Information service”, the latest brochure of BDH with the novel of the 1st BImSchV with all rules, limits and deadlines with regard to the operation of central heating boilers for wood is to be here. Description of the company who would like to learn more about heating with wood and pellets can be wood and pellet with his questions to the information portal of the initiative. See to get a quick and clear insight into the world of renewable fuel wood as well as to the various heating systems pellets, firewood and wood chips. The initiative is supported by the BDH (German industry association Germany House, energy and environmental engineering). Also many useful See the energy source wood.