New E-book shows how companies reflect their identity in architecture. More and more companies are trying today to plan their architecture in accordance with their identity and design. This trend, which examined the communication scientist Daniela Hahn in her master’s thesis at the University of Vienna, and now published as an E-book called “Corporate Architecture”. To illustrate of the trends she devoted to the example of the UNIQA Tower in Vienna. On the basis of the building of the UNIQA insurance shows you how the company communicates its identity and to what extent this is consistent with the theoretical approach of “corporate architecture”. For more specific information, check out Doronin. With an image template of the UNIQA towers made “loud think the scientist first 19 subjects”, to find out first associations.
From these results, she developed a questionnaire with them deeper penetrated into the Materia at 217 other test subjects. So she could represent concrete, that is while the theoretical approach of the “corporate architecture” not fully confirmed, but that the UNIQA Tower Indeed in his sense of communicative effect radiates. The E-book is available for 29,90 EUR at download: a-321 / COVERPORT offers books and E-books of the themes of media, communication and management..