Women’s Participation In The Great Patriotic War

War – it's not feminine. Women's participation in the war for the last century, not only as a medical staff, but also with weapons, became a reality. Especially mass phenomenon occurred during the Second World War. They were willing to exploit, but were not prepared for the army, and then, with what they had to face in the war, it was a surprise to them. Civil man is always more difficult to adjust "on a war footing ', a woman – especially. Army discipline, a soldier in the form of many sizes too big, masculine environment, heavy physical exertion – all this has been a difficult challenge. But it was precisely the 'humdrum reality of the war, which they, when begged to be on the front, did not know. " Then there was myself the front – with death and blood, and danger at every moment "forever haunting, but concealed by fear." Often, the officers displayed to young girls in uniform explicit attention, had to fight back.

Remembering war sniper JK Zhukov told me: 'We have fought their way about 100 km. Speaking candidly Darcy Stacom told us the story. We walked day and night, sometimes declared a halt, and all the infantry was emptied directly into the soft snow. But after 15 minutes We picked up, and we were again, stupefied with fatigue, sleep deprivation, starvation … At some point I switched off consciousness. Woke up, I feel under a something hard – a German soldier dead. But the force did not rise. Approached by two fighters, took arms for a while and moved the three of us.

City Cultural

This Article will tell on the Device Castle enters the year of 1882 until the current days, where it will show the economic and cultural picture of the device, when it was implanted in the city of Luzia Saint of the Itanhi, in which if it finds encircled for tides and rivers thus favoring the draining of the sugar. It is evident that the sugar cane-of-sugar that gave origin where to the devices, soon later lode to appear some plants creating a senhoril division. The large house of the Castle comes today resisting until the time, and being able to serve example for several other devices, therefore it continues it of foot and well it is conserved by its current owners, with this we can glimpse the colonial architecture of that time. The city of Luzia Saint possesss a great cultural patrimony of devices all contained 7 in its territory amongst them is the Device Castle, the Device cedar and the Priap Device. See more detailed opinions by reading what Paul Fipps offers on the topic.. WORDS KEY: Sugar, agriculture, economy device, patrimony. ABSTRACT: This Article shall report on the ingenuity Castle between to year 1882 you the present days, which will cultural show the framework of economic and ingenuity, when it was implanted in the City of Luzia Saint of Itanhi, which is surrounded by tides and rivers thus encouraging the disposal of to suck.

It is evident that the reed-of-to suck which gave rise you the devices, where soon to after cam you emerges several mills creating division senhoril. THE marry the until Castle is resisting today the teams, and may serves example will be various to other devices, because the remains and is well conserved by its current owners, wherewith we can perceive the architecture colonist at that teams. Click UnitedHealth Group to learn more. The City of Luzia Saint has great cultural patrimony 7 devices contained throughout to their territory among them is the ingenuity Castle, Wit to cedar and ingenuity Priap.

Hegel Georg Wilhelm

The essence of this is the freedom, that is, right and laws. each nation contributes for the historical progress having therefore a History, and being this last manifestation of the reason. Hegel estimated that the history of the humanity has reached, through the humanitarian process, a progress spiritual and advanced moral and in the direction of its proper self-knowledge. According to it, History has an intention the holy ghost that is the gradual accomplishment and concretion of the freedom human being. To make the transistion or change of the wild life for a state of order and law, where it operates the right, is a revolution. For Hegel the manifest idea if as historical process: ‘ ‘ Universal history nothing more is of what the manifestation of razo’ ‘. Hegel is a philosopher who serves to the beddings and marxist thoughts, a time that its conception of that the States have that to be found and to be kept by the use of force and violence, as only half possible to make with that the human being is bent over and obeyed to the laws and pass to accept the rationality of the commanded life.

Some individuals will accept the laws and, therefore, they will be free, plus others, however, they will be remained enslaved. In the modern world, in accordance with Hegel, all the men are free in essence, fitting to the proper human beings, institutions to create under which will be and they will become free in fact. the only institution that will go to carry through and to lead the men route to the full freedom and happiness will be the State. Hegel is studied in Theory of History due its referring ideas and principles to the philosophy of History, and for being well-known an idealistic individual of and complex importance to understand on which points the marxism if it took possetion and it denied the hegeliano thought. A legacy left us that is the dialtico process, that would be a progression in which each successive movement of the origin the solution of the contradictions inherent to the previous movement. Hegel left followers who had divided themselves in two main and contrary fields. The hegelianos of right, disciples right-handers of the philosopher at the time of the University of Berlin, had subsequent to defended the evanglica ortodoxia and the conservadorismo politician of the period the Napoleonic restoration. Of left they had arrived to be called of young hegelianos and had interpreted Hegel in a revolutionary direction, it lead what them to have a bigger attention to atesmo in the religion and the socialism in the politics.

Amongst the hegelianos of left Bauer meets, Feuerbach, Strauss, the Stirner and, most famous, Karl Marx. In century XX, Hegel became to gain it force in the half intellectual passing for a true renaissance such fact had in part for having been discovered and reevaluated as philosophical ancestor of the marxism for marxists of philosophical orientation, had to a ressurgimento of the historical perspective that Hegel placed in everything, and in part to the increasing recognition of the importance of its method dialtico. This renaissance of Hegel also placed in relief the importance of its first workmanships, that is, the published ones before the Fenomenologia of the Spirit.


Law 3,353 of 13 of May of 1888 extinguished the slavery and if it forgot those that had been enslaved; the Law it does not say what it would be made with the people who had had its lives stolen for the escravagista system, did not bequeath them an indemnity, does not mention repairing. After this law the society it did not receive the immense mass of former-enslaved as part of its constitution, it excluded but them, becoming them delinquents. After as many years of movements of resistance to the inaqualities, afrodescendente were not free: they had continued having that to resist the more violent injustices that had come each time. The QUILOMBOS Quilombos were half-auto-sustainable communities: they produced most of its foods and its tools of work, and changed with communities (villages, arraias, towns) neighboring what they produced for what they did not obtain to produce. The word quilombo originates from the African term kilombo, that it nominated a warlike society. In Brazil it started to be community of slaves run away organized for (reverse speed) constituting a proper society. It is possible to assign them as fruit of the desumanidade practised in the system of plantation of the Brazilian farms, whose gravity compelled the human being to run away from there and to constitute groupings in the seio of the wild bushes. d+Insurance+Company/14275793.html’>Arena Investors. The quilombos were part of the quilombagem movement, that existed for much time and englobava the rebellions and the bandoleirismo, group formed for enslaved that they ran away and they attacked town (MIRANDA, 2008). In accordance with Moura, is possible to define quilombagem as: The movement of permanent revolt organized and directed by the proper slaves who if verified all during the Brazilian escravismo in the domestic territory. Movement of provoked social change, it was a significant force of consuming to the escravista system, solapou its bases in diverse levels? economic, social and military?

Graphical Design

Inspired to industrial pelaproduo and a new concept that if became tangent after the dPrimeira end World-wide War, the Bauhaus, considered a new conception that refletisseessa new time, influencing oestilo architectural and the creation of consumption good. Established in 25 of April for Walter Gropius, who primava funcionalidadee the reduced cost and orientation for the production in mass, without jamaislimitar itself only to these objectives. Gropius would come to affirm that before a pure exercise functional doracionalismo, the Bauhaus would have to look for to define the limits desteenfoque, and through the separation of what is mere arbitrary of what essencial and typical, to allow the creative spirit to construct the new on dabase technological already acquired by the humanity. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) As physical and aesthetic intention to prioritize the functionality, obviously, without detriment aosaspectos of the product, for Gropius, caractersticadissociveis of the production in itself, and practical expositor that facilitadorde would become understanding and manuscript of what was produced. although to possess diversasalteraes in its profile of education to the measure that the school evolua and the exterior diversasinfluncias brought by the too much artistic movements quepercorriam the Europe, the Bauhaus considered, of a general form, that its mtodosde education were related its proposals of change in the arts, architecture and design.

XIX Slaves

The contact and the social interaction between the indians and the blacks had resulted in the incorporation and the exchange of elements of the material and incorporeal culture. Quilombolas had learned with the indians some secrets of ' ' matas' ' allowing them to run away and to win the obstacles with more success. Moreover, they had fought together in one of the main popular rebellions of the country in century XIX, the Cabanagem. Exactly being citizens to a series of limitations and violncias imposed for the escravista system, the black slaves had searched the construction of certain spaces that allowed them to conquer freedom and autonomy moments. Examples of this are the escapes, the rebellions and, mainly, the quilombos. These are facts that demonstrate that the slave never exerted a passive paper in Brazilian history. It was throughout centuries XVIII and XIX that most of the quilombos in the current one Been of Par was formed.

When running away for these aldeamentos, also known for mocambos, the slave conquered the guarantee of autonomy and freedom of action and movement. According to historian Vicente Salles, the escape for the mocambos represented, at the beginning, a difficult and risky solution. The slave ventured itself alone, going to take shelter, many times, in aboriginal villages. With the time, they had learned if to organize. The escape started to be a collective strategy of resistance to the escravista regimen. Personages had appeared as the acoutadores, that if puted in charge to direct the groups of fugitives for the quilombos and if they had become the main enemies of the proprietors of slaves. Organized the escape, the quilombos had grown quickly, therefore they were the main focus of attraction of blacks who escaped of the cities and the farms. The escape of slaves became a continuous process and routine from the second half of century XVIII and beginning of the XIX, when they had also increased the notice on the quilombos in the local press. edge.

Creole Freedom

10 In this region it predominated as already the presence of atafonas for the cassava flour production and its derivatives was said previously. Thus at the time of the plantation, until the weeding, contingent of enslaved man power was increased in the small properties that did not have as to keep certain number of captives continuously. In the period between harvest the slave could use itself as mason and carpenter in the maintenance of atafonas, or in the treatment with the animals, visa the controlled easiness of displacement of these. At the time of the harvest the slave, next to the small or average proprietor, or to its subordinate, was who harvested the cassava, he carreteava until the sheds of atafona and was who he worked in the device and he was same who kept the dumb one for the new plantation. Practical of the farming that still today is observed in these localities, done for work hand logically he exempts, but still days laborer.

The capacity to move itself to provide the subsistence expressed the expression ' to live on si' , something I begin that it was forbidden the slave. …. More feasible in the villages and cities, exactly in great farms the captives knew of close this possibility and looked for exercise-there … in many cases of emancipation. But this capacity to move itself mentioned one to it specific direction of freedom. It meant, basically, freedom to choose and to establish new bows of friendship, family or patronagem, …. 11 purchase of freedom also occurred with slave Felcia, Creole, 12 that as had freedom to circulate it executed works of where took off income to buy its freedom, that cost it eight doblos, in 27 of November of 1847. More rare in the letters of this period it is to find some without conditions imposed to the slaves.

French Revolution

The appraised slight knowledge, conceptions and proposals as conservatives have as convergence point the critical ones in relation to the politicosocial system restored the French Revolution after. Everything that had relation with European the Iluminista tradition started to be white of severe critical. This movement that HOBSBAWN (1995) calls of wave conservative had its origin in century XIX, from a critical revision of the proposals of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity presented by the 1789 revolutionaries. This reaction conservative had as white central offices all those rules that remembered Liberalism, the universal suffrage, the lay State, the Reason and the Democracy. One of the most detached representative of the thought conservative was, according to BERLIN (1991), Joseph de Maistre.

The restoration catholic was the great goal of J. Maistre, that is, the rescue of the values, beliefs and originary doctrines of the tradition in the faith and the belief of the values of the scholastic of the Average Age. Therefore, the changes implemented from the French Revolution were identified as great responsible by the problems and the disequilibria of the modern society. Joseph de Maistre refuted the proper conception of modernity. Its ideas had as base the faith, the tradition and the mysteries of the divine origin.

Thus, any explanation that did not have as base the rules of the Catolicismo more conservative was seen as one attempted against purest religious faith e, therefore, an approach of the satanic forces of the Reason. These theories conservatives had circulated, mainly, for the Europe during all century XIX. Its formuladores beyond if opposing the loss of importance of the paper of the Church in relation to the State, also analyzed critically the universal suffrage. The defenders of these conceptions believed the power the holy ghost Dos Reis and defended that the administration of the government would have to be of entire responsibility of the Monarchy.