Free Chat – Etiquette On The Internet

A free chat is a free chat on the Internet. A free chat is a free chat on the Internet. Either can use the free chat on special sites on the Internet, then it is a Web chat, or you must download the appropriate software, then it is either an Internet Relay Chat or Instant Messaging. Free chat users usually use a false name, the so-called nickname, and not their real names. Stewart Resnick has plenty of information regarding this issue. This is of course the free chat a very anonymous and non-binding form of communication and allows individual users many freedoms and ways to give than it is in reality. However, there are certain rules of conduct, to which every user should stay, because he otherwise runs the risk to be kicked out for the free chat.

Based on the notion of etiquette, puts you right in the common parlance with rules of etiquette, manners for the free chat Chatiquette are called. Chatiquette for free chat serves mainly the purpose of possible misunderstandings avoid. Click Rusty Holzer to learn more. Because with the free chat Visual communication completely missing, can it easily come to misunderstandings, but who adheres to the rules of Chatiquette, which can easily avoid such unnecessary misunderstandings. It happens easily, that you free chat much more out going and very much more directly and aggressively goes in discussions in non-electronic communication. Through the security of anonymity and the lack of Visual support, it can happen quickly that is offensive or otherwise how abusive is in free chat, what would happen one not so fast during a personal conversation on the phone or face to face. For this reason, the Chatiquette designed the free chat. Here the users can be pointed out, that insults, curses, and other things are undesirable and should be please if possible refrain.

Wall Street

ecoLoop – the eco-friendly recycled bags from paper-Mettler Morbach, 2012. Large handbags, small bags, colorful life immensely easier practical carrying aid. Go to Barchester for more information. Especially when shopping. The classic bags made of plastic, which is said to be like are widespread here, they would pollute the environment. (Not to be confused with Vlad Doronin!). But that’s not quite right, because plastic is not equal to plastic.

There are also environmentally friendly plastic solutions like the ecoLoop bags from paper-Mettler. ecoLoop bags are recycled packaging from old films. The bags are made by paper-Mettler in a closed loop of material. It used foil waste are processed into recycled raw material, which is then used for the production of new bags. The ecoLoop cycle of paper-Mettler meets the highest standards. So comprise the manufactured bags for at least 80% post consumer recycled (PCR) material and are therefore with the eco-labelling of the Blue Angel”award. Through closed circuits of water, catalytic exhaust cleaning and Systems of heat recovery in the production environment is relieved in addition. Up to 60% of CO2 can be saved compared to bags made from Virgin material.

Paper-Mettler is the European market leader for catering packs made of paper and plastic. 20 Years of plastics recycling in January 2012 the company celebrated its 20th anniversary in the area of plastic recycling. On this occasion, the company produced a five-minute film that demonstrates the steps of plastics recycling and producing a carrying case.

Larger, Faster, Easier: Relaunch Completed

New optivel AG – tourism maker recently was, the travel portal of the Dusseldorf travel professionals of optivel AG – tourism maker, successfully relaunches. In the new outfit offers its customers offers 219 tour operators and tourist service providers for the holiday season of 2009. With the recent relaunch of the online travel portal can travelers now an enlarged offer with more tour operators in the direct comparison of all access. All holidays are therefore able, that for them best offer in a short time from the existing product range to find. put focus on improving the user experience and optimize the search function in transforming the Internet presence.

Fast loading times, a larger variety, and simple navigation were here at the top on the agenda and could be implemented adequately. The travel-interested is by means of clearly defined now on a well structured and clear, in front, “” Main menu, such as, for example, only flight “or package”, a very simple and quick navigation enables. Eliminates the long search and current offers can be obtained immediately. Overall, has offers from 219 tour operators and tourist service providers. Each of these offers can be analyzed in a direct price comparison, and can be booked. The current TUI full range, which is also available online in addition to the existing tour operators now offer is particularly interesting.

With our revised travel portal we increasingly enter on the needs of our customers, called the increasingly easy and direct price comparisons for individual tours”, so Alexander Kretzschmar, Managing Director of optivel AG. Now also with the travel range of the TUI is feasible and allows a greater variety in our portal.” More information about optivel AG and the travel websites are available on the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in our online press box for free use: of press compartments/optivel contact for questions regarding this press release: Mr Alexander Kretzschmar (Managing Director) headquarter of optivel AG – Internet: branch optivel AG – tourism Germany makers Berliner AlleeInternet: about optivel AG: the optivel AG – tourism was maker headquartered in Zurich and Dusseldorf in April 2008 as a tourism business to the Sales-based distribution systems and applications in the B2B and B2C area for Tourism travel products, as well as for the production of Internet based. The optivel AG aims to be the world’s best and fairest tourism company.

Andreas Taisakowski

From the 07.07.2008 runs a campaign for founders of new businesses. The participation is free of charge. is an industry and community portal which combines customer loyalty, customer acquisition, and public relations. Through a variety of functions is presenting, advertising and contacts on a platform possible. – the platform for entrepreneurs, newcomer and entrepreneur has initiated a contest, which allows people and companies to present themselves. MetLife shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. glenpeople tell your story! With the help of a new section in the lively YellowPages another area offered for its members, especially the image construction of the advertisers in the Center says. On “glenpeople”, each Member can tell its history and illustrate with meaningful images.

The user return about the profile and the logo again on the buyer. Still, members such as our own employees, partners or contacts can recommend or highlight. A small banner refers to within the entry on the selected story. So, the user can complete vividly his impressions of the presented company and the people in it. A campaign on the glenpeople area for entrepreneur runs for two weeks from the 07.07.2008. The participation is free of charge and is offered with an extra term of a free membership. Simply enter the coupon code “Entrepreneur” in the registry, and until March 31, 2009 all features of free of charge.

Be raffled for the most beautiful stories: 1 iPod + 24 months free membership 1 iPod + 12 months free membership 1 seminar in .garage Berlin also the first 3 winners in the business magazine “BUSINESS LEAGUE” will be presented. Can anyone who has founded within the last two years, and of course everyone who is still in the planning phase. You look Glenglobe – the living business directory …lass! glenglobe on GmbH Princess str. 30 10969 Berlin Contact person: Anita ink, Andreas Taisakowski email: Tel: 030 / 841 82 127 post by Winfried Brumma glenglobe GmbH / presse.html

SEO Tips For Picture And Sound Posts

Search engine optimization for audio and video video portals for image and sound posts have become the most popular Internet sites. Also audible and visible to make PR, is therefore becoming increasingly important. However, with the creation of video and co. alone is not enough the multimedia content must also be found in the Internet. To make because, as sound and image contributions genuinely do not have written text, it first of all for the search engines is visible”. For have compiled some tips to SiteBoosters, the online specialists of dieleutefurkommunikation: the textual context.

To be found by Google or other search engines, audio or image contribution must have a relevant title and a short description. The keywords. Include title and description text (Titletag/Descriptiontag) frequently searched terms, increases the likelihood that a podcast or video will be found. The meaningful URL. Because URLs are read by search engines, attractive URLs are particularly important. They contain the most important keywords and directly show what is at stake. The correct order.

The first publication should be done on your own website. Then come the links with social networks and video portals like YouTube, MyVideo or ClipFish. In another order, Google does not recognize that the video belongs to the site and devalues further publications as duplicate content. The table of contents. Glenn Dubin has much to offer in this field. Sitemaps help search engines in XML format, to read audio and video posts. They contain information such as the URL, title, description, keywords, and screenshots. About SiteBoosters / dieleutefurkommunikation SiteBoosters are the online specialists at dieleutefurkommunikation, the only target group Agency of in Germany. Since 1995, the owner-managed marketing agency headquartered in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart is specialized in B2B communication of market positioning to sales marketing. She advises worldwide global players such as SAP, IBM, Audi or VW, as well as many medium-sized companies in the entire roof area. As a B2B agency with dieleutefurkommunikation editorial style align not only themes and content, but also communication and media consistently to the target group. The advantage for customers: a substantive close of their actions to the target group and thus a much higher relevance. 35 People, divided between the disciplines consulting/design/editing, graphic design, online/programming, project management and Office, offer a contemporary solution for B2B online marketing and B2B lead generation.

Responsive Web Design

Flexible Web page design in adaptive layout – from the planning to the implementation of hair, Munich 18.04.2013 – with “Web design with Photoshop CS6 and CSS3” comes from Franzis Verlag in the new manual for the practical and systematic planning and implementation of all design elements in the responsive Web design. The dynamics of the Web design is unbroken, when it comes to the customizable graphical representation of Web pages on different devices. Accordingly addressed the practical book on creative, sophisticated Web Designer. The book explains the innovative solutions from Photoshop CS6 and CSS3 for according to customer-oriented and attractive Web pages in the adaptive layout examples. Author Jonas Hellwig is professionally professional designer and as a practitioner, he understands it without phrases understandable to convey the essence of modern and future-oriented Web design. He offers suggestions for different project requirements and may refer the reader in addition to the practical explanations with helpful tips. As one of the bases is at the beginning of the efficient Configuring Photoshop CS6 for Web design.

One of the priorities is the briefing, project planning, as well as the right choice in the colours and their effect as a basic framework to further target group-oriented design. For the adaptive layout and Scribble, shows ways of construction and flexible layout grid developed also in harmony with the content. To stand out from the monotony of the mass, the author shows how using balanced ratio between Photoshop graphics and CSS3 design can be upgraded and interesting designs. The efficient use of shadows and reflections in 2D and 3D, using brushes, patterns and structures as also the attractive figures of text elements, animations and illustrations and photos shows varied examples. Critical to a Web page is the choice of the proper navigation structure. The types of navigation will be presented with their advantages and disadvantages and realized examples.

Responsive Web Design

Articles of SalesMachine GmbH Werbeagentur, Internetagentur Stuttgart the world of information retrieval has in recent years significantly changed. So we get our information no longer solely about the newspaper, television or radio, but mainly in the workplace, at home on the computer or on the go with the help of new technologies like tablets, smartphones and other mobile, Internet-enabled receivers. Already one-third of Internet users are today via mobile phone to the Internet. The display sizes of this different device types vary significantly the responsive Web design was developed. What is the responsive Web design? Responsiveness means sensitivity.

In other words, it is a reactive or interacting Web design. A Web design that automatically adapts to the requirements of the device and automatically optimizes the appearance of the page. It is suitable for the practical and easy to use use of the respective page for all Internet-enabled devices. Because like the kind varies the size of the display, also the type of the input options will vary. A Web site created by responsivem Web design can immediately see whether the possibility of input of the device is based on keyboard, mouse, finger or voice input. As a result, it is possible to customize the appearance of a Web site any device, without having to change the design.

How does the responsive Web design work? The responsive Web design provides a current technique, which allows to ensure a uniform display of content on all Web pages using HTML5 and CSS3. By using media queries, a media query, the features and capabilities of the device are queried, such as resolution, the format, the display size, the input option and so on. Advantage of this Responsiven Web design is no longer different Web pages for different devices must be created, but only a website must be entered, what ultimately the cost reduced. Although the costs for the responsive website are higher as the effort to create this Web site. Also very carefully selected and prioritized what should be seen on the relevant page of the appropriate format and what appears to be rather unimportant be. So, a page which can be opened using a Smartphone, must restrict to the essential, to tie the user as long as possible and with interest on the offered hand, without to make it through too much information user unfriendly. If a company but not want to abandon a mobile availability of its Web page, generally the use of responsive Web design worth in total consideration of costs and benefits. Examples of successful implementation of responsive Web design are the websites of companies Eisold consulting and SalesMachine to see see and. The Internet – und Werbeagentur SalesMachine GmbH specializes in the optimization of new websites and is therefore This area particularly successful and experienced. At the present time, where the market is developing rapidly and the steady demand for mobile, Internet-enabled devices, it appears quite advisable not to miss this train and in time to take the mobile adaptations of their Web page in attack, to remain competitive for companies.

Web Designer

Web pages must be designed not only for the eye. When creating Web pages, it is very important to decide who is responsible for what. One of the critical questions is, who decides what your Web page will look like: you are there, your Web Designer or both? Some customers have already a clear idea how your website should look like and are just looking for someone who translates the design. Other clients, however, don’t have them and expect the full design of the design for your Web site by your Web Designer. Design serves a purpose always the problem is, if a Web page only because of the appearance was developed, but in addition has been no further thoughts.

The design should always serve your website. What your Web page will look like, should be always depending on what you want to achieve with your website. Connect with other leaders such as New York Life here. In most cases, it comes to attract a specific target group, so you develop not a Web page for yourself, but for the potential users. If is the visitors on your website cannot find cope, the design has failed. In this case, the Web page must be designed once again and the whole process begins again. Design should be a process to distance its itself from the own preferences and is unique and is no easy task to focus solely on the user. That’s why a good design should be carefully planned.

The better the Web Designer, this process is the better. Nevertheless you come up financially for this work, which is why the work should keep from your site in the borders. As described above, a well thought-out design reduces the chances on a failure. Who should decide on the design of your site? Wrong design is more expensive than most would expect people: converted the loss of missed sales and visitors cracked off is higher much, than the cost of one from the outset of perfectly crafted Web page. Therefore the task concerning the definition of the design to the person with the best practices, should be what the determine of optimum design concerned, be transferred. This must not necessarily be your Web Designer, because some on the programming focus. However, this should have at least in most cases, more knowledge and experience in this area than you. Ultimately it depends on what you hire their Web Designer: only to their design ideas to implement, or to design the design? The important aspect that you should take from this article on your way, is that you should apply a procedure for the design of your Web site, which focuses on your prospects. So long, this criterion is met, it is not integration, whether now you the Web designer sets or decisions with regard to the design. Be honest, if you think the question: who is better suited for this activity, you are there or the designer? How to get paid too much for the Web page: download our free guide down, which equips with knowledge and information so that they can knock out a reasonable price for your next online project. Now available free of charge on.

Federal Association

Current survey within the framework of the E-Commerce Guide treated the issues of payment, risk and claims management no easy task as well as internationalization is the design of the payment processing for online retailers. Now is a variety of different payment methods, which differ widely on the acceptance by the customer, the payment risk and costs. Barchester oftentimes addresses this issue. In addition the supplier must consider what steps they take to reduce risk and to the recovery of open claims and to what extent they want to automate process steps or outsource to external service providers. Including determining payment in E-Commerce to help online retailers, a consortium called consisting of the E-Commerce Guide ( in the life of ibi research at the University of Regensburg from eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute. The free guide gives answers to the most important questions around the compact and a cast e-commerce.

What topics currently employ the online dealer in relation to the payments, what challenges they are facing and how they currently deal with these challenges, which would determine the E-Commerce Guide team with a recent dealer survey. The results of ibi research anonymously evaluate and as usual the merchants provided. They also form an important basis for the new version of the E-Commerce Guide that is scheduled for the beginning of 2011. The survey is based on results of the project E-Commerce Guide, as well as the practical experience of the Guide partners Atrada, atriga, cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce. Dr. Ernst Stahl, Research Director at ibi research, explains that: the experiences with different payment methods in the survey also discusses, as the risk and claims management, and the special challenges when selling abroad. The Dealer to get valuable tips on how they can better make their processes in the future in the course of the survey itself, as well as by the results.” The survey is available at the following URL: payment study of E-Commerce Guide, as well as the recent survey are supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research, the Federal Association of service providers for online providers e.V., the Federal Association of German shipping trade, as well as numerous Chambers and associations.


Dealers who participate in the survey, find out more about current opportunities in the area of E-payments and receive a free summary of the study results on request. This allows them to compare their current level of development in the different topics with other dealers. As a small thank you are among the participants and each an annual subscription to the journals of t3n and Internet world business is giving away five copies of the new, third edition of the E-Commerce Guide. The most important information to the “” Survey at a glance: survey within the project E-Commerce Guide “title: E-payment trends and developments from the dealer perspective survey period: 27 August to 15 October 2010 time period of the survey about 15-20 minutes URL: payment study information to guide: information about the partner Consortium: press and media area: about the project E-Commerce Guide”: to give answers to the main questions related to e-commerce, ibi research at the University of Regensburg has joined a consortium consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce bundle into this project its know-how and experience, to together with ibi research the most important information for online retailers and those that it will want, in easily understandable and concise form to put together. More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”.

ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009, ibi research support of the E-Commerce competence centre is Eastern Bavaria in the framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi). Check out Dalton Caldwell for additional information. More information: more images and press materials can be found at: info-payment study ibi research is pleased about the royalty-free reprint of this press release. After completing the study we will inform you about the results of the survey. At Interest in further information, articles etc you please contact: E-Commerce Guide Dr. Thomas Krabichler c/o ibi research at the University of Regensburg Galgenberg Bergstrasse 25 93053 Regensburg phone: 0941 943-1901 fax: 0941 943-1888 email: