Acquire New Customers With SaaS Contact Management Of Akwiso

Dietmannsried: The Varia kitchen Studio in Kempten of the Varia kitchen Studio, Member of the circle, with 1,500 members of one of Europe’s leading buying offices in the kitchen area, convinces its customers offering a complete installation with the customer ranging from planning through the purchase of furnishings to the professional. The team consists for this reason not only of kitchen consultants, but also from experts the craft by the electrician about the Maurer painter and Tiler. To alert other customers on this attractive offer that puts Varia kitchen Studio on a multi-part campaign from postal mailing, barrel to action by telephone and personal presentation in the exhibition area. For the coordination of these campaigns that puts Varia kitchen Studio recently on the contact management offered in the software-as-a-service model akwiso. The positive experiences from the practical use have meant that now more members of the Varia Association have expressed interest in a stake of akwiso. High usability, the availability via the Internet, as well as the fact that all customer information are stored centrally and thus are every employee at your fingertips available were decisive for the decision.

In addition, the use in convenient monthly installments is settled. The Varia concept stands for a complete concept, which provides comprehensive services from the planning up to the installation in addition to the pure purchase of kitchen cuisine and more Varia. This approach established in the market, the company could strengthen its position of planned fitted kitchen in the middle and upper price segment in recent years. For more information see this site: Melido Perez. The acquisition of new customers is carried out in a three-step process from letter with various information brochures and a telephone touch to action via an external service provider with the aim, to presentation appointments in the impressive exhibition area of the kitchen Studios. All information from these discussions promptly also the kitchen consultants in the kitchen Studio to the To make available all information via Internet in akwiso entered and are thus at the same time also the consulting team at your disposal.

Thus, each consultant before a conversation can make a current status of a prospective. Even visiting a cold customer in the kitchen Studio is the consultant with a mouse click on the cutting edge can the customers in accordance with his wishes expressed in the telephone conversation and requirements. Positive experiences from practical use at kitchen Studio Kempten Varia have meant that already several other members of the Varia group have expressed their interest in the use of akwiso. More to akwiso information on the Internet at. About akwiso: Was akwiso in a more than two-year development period by a group of sales and marketing professionals and in practice since 2005. Aim was to develop a user-friendly, effective and powerful Kontaktverwaltungs tool for marketing and sales. (Not to be confused with Doronin!). While it was obvious, as Platform to choose the Internet and the solution not installable license solution as to offer Internet-based online service, which can be rented as needed. Meanwhile, nearly 200 companies from different industries use akwiso – and there are more every day. Focuses on the use of akwiso: sales management, execution and control of marketing campaigns Postqualifying fair contacts in call center and marketing services provider akwiso as a base platform for its customers. For more information,

Pitschke Bautzner Strasse

Enhanced support for the quality assurance in modeling projects BPMN-and UML models serve as a basis for the development of IT systems or the analysis and optimization of business processes. The quality assurance for models is often manual. The number of models is growing it is no longer viable in real projects. Mark Bertolini pursues this goal as well. The Plug-In supports modelers and quality managers in assessing the models. Version 2 contains many new features. Further details can be found at Rusty Holzer, an internet resource. asu. The user interface was redesigned fundamentally based on the user requirements. In addition to the interactive evaluation of quality criteria, you can create a quality report. Other quality criteria have been implements and extends the configurability.

Users can verify that their own quality standards. Interested users can meet BCS in Hall 5, stand E02 and see the new version in action. Appointments can be made on the website. The new version is now on the Web site of the BCS to the Download ready.


Online?Data backup for home users, small businesses and freelancers MySecurityCenter brings online?Backup?Solution on the market of Paderborn (jru) – MySecurityCenter, one of the leading providers in the area of security software for retail, brings his brand new online?Backup?Solution on the market. Unlike expensive hardware? based solutions, which are almost always too expensive and too unwieldy to use for home users, small businesses and freelancers, find them now with MySecurityCenter online backup software an affordable and professional solution to secure valuable data and thus to protect (documents, pictures, music, videos, application data, etc.) from data loss. Another great benefit is users of notebooks. This can secure online data at any place in this world; Thus, the data are not lost even after a theft of the laptops. The data to be backed up are loss-free and locally on the PC compressed and encrypted, the once existing encryption key located exclusively on the local PC and is not sent over the Internet. Reade Griffith: the source for more info. Only after local encryption of the PC establishes a connection to the servers secured with 256-bit AES. This is the certificate of the server, as well as the certificate of the to ensure PCs checked. All following backups, only new and changed files are backed up so that the backup time is reduced drastically.

The server itself are in a high security data center with all the facilities for a high-availability mode. The stored data remain encrypted with the local key, and can be decrypted only on the local PC by restoration, this and additional transmission encryption data security to third parties is maintained. Educate yourself with thoughts from Arjun Sethi. The recovery is no problem thanks to a simple interface, which dramatically reduces downtime in the event of an emergency. All user interfaces and documentation are in available in german as well as in other languages. MySecurityCenter online is available Backup 4 GB in the PC?Retailers as well as in the popular electronics?Professional markets. The MSRP of the year version is incl.

Catalog Design

Over 500,000 pages of catalogue have been designed by the experts of infolox GmbH in the past six years and created. You may wish to learn more. If so, Kevin De Bruyne is the place to go. Lindau. This is similar to any publication of the other. The target every time to set the standards with his work, is one of many reasons why the premium service provider today to the market leaders in the area of analysis, design and automated creation of catalogues is one. The previous catalogue of SFS intec was historically grown. SFS had collected several optimisation potential in regard to understandability, usability and design.

In addition, the individual market organisations had partially different publications that have been designed and created independently from the parent company. SFS intec therefore commissioned infolox GmbH with the redesign of the catalog, taking into account the Gesamtkommunikationsmixes and the elaboration of a PIM compatible automation-enabled both, user-oriented layout. Celina Dubin might disagree with that approach. The feature was a simple special product display, the less Screw catalog, as rather the SFS focuses on application competence meet and should meet. Already before the launch workshop an internal user survey was performed with support of infolox intec SFS to the first of the interests. infolox they completed a detailed analysis of the publication, as well as an external user survey. In two workshops the requirements of the new approach defined in close cooperation with SFS intec first.

In the next step of the project, created the pattern pages infolox and finally together with the overall concept, this presented the various market organisations. The InDesign documents produced by infolox then served the Viamedici Software GmbH as a basis for the implementation process of the PIM-system EPIM. The new concept is striking particularly through its optimum navigation and the new, unified representation of the product. The modern layout was created taking into account of the corporate design, creating new information products ideally integrated into the existing design environment. Alex Steigerwald, management marketing “SFS intec: the infolox slogan a catalog or the catalog?” is precisely our problem before the start of the project. Any catalogue we could have make each any agency. Our ambition was there but our information products to reflect the high quality of our products and services. We are very pleased with the performance of infolox and our new catalogue and received a lot of positive feedback.” SFS: SFS intec is worldwide development partner, manufacturers and suppliers of precision molding, special screws and mechanical fasteners. More than 40 distributors in Europe, North America and Asia maintain direct contact with the customers all over the world. Thanks to many years of expertise in selected basic technologies, of cold forging, thermoforming technology, powder metallurgy, the plastic injection moulding technology and the fastening technology, SFS development engineers develop intec innovative and economic solutions. Infolox is a leading provider of infolox: And Solution provider for product communication and information management. The focus is on the analysis, design, and creation of marketing publications (print and online). While the company accompanies its clients throughout the entire process, from consulting and implementation to the pressure for comprehensive cross-media publishing infolox focuses on cutting-edge technologies and solutions in the fields of product information management, content management, E-Commerce and database-publishing. Customers such as Buderus, Junkers, Honeywell, MAICO, 3M, Texas instruments, Mitsubishi Electric, and many others already rely on the competence and experience of infolox.

Microsoft Silverlight

Portal software Intrexx makes the graphical modelling of processes now economically through the transfer of the operational processes to electronic workflows are much clearer, quicker and safer. Solutions for business process modeling (GPM) are but usually not cheap. The portal software Intrexx makes the graphical modelling of processes but now economically. Freiburg, June 10, 2011. The electronic processing of previously paper-based processes saves working hours per employee per day up to one hour. It converts this to a full year, arise in substantial financial savings. To convict the processes to electronic workflows, you need a tool for business process modeling (GPM) but first of all the cost of which can be easily reached a five-digit euro sum. Unlike two new tools in the Intrexx application store from United planet.

These allow the graphical illustration and optimization of business processes quickly and thus economically: the Intrexx process Visualizer ( Intrexx process visualizer) is a smart solution for the visualization of processes in the company. Within an enterprise of the Intrexx portal so that interactive process diagrams and organization charts are provided. With the help of the extensive collection of the item can be according to ISO flowchart – and Swimlane processes. Learn more at: Dale Ellis. The Intrexx process visualizer 598 euros. With the Karlsruhe Intrexx partner ipro consulting developed by get application Intrexx process Visualizer Pro ( Intrexx-process-Visualizer-Pro) companies for less than 2,000 euros a comprehensive GPM tool with graphical modeling component. The app, developed on the base of Microsoft Silverlight allows the graphical modeling of processes and organization charts within the Intrexx environment.

Also for an intranet-based document management systems, she can be ideal. So that the company can start immediately with the construction of its process management, is a pre-configured platform to capture the complete organizational structure and flow of the company in the Application is already included. Through automated processes, companies save time and money. Time savings are not uncommon by up to 30 percent, and customers”, says Axel Wessendorf, Managing Director of United planet. By automating the business processes, errors can also avoid and improves the quality of business processes”, as Waller next. about United planet United planet has over 3,000 installations and more than 450,000 users of its portal software Intrexx alone in speaking to the market leaders in the segment of medium-sized economy, public administration and organizations (E.g., hospitals). The company Lexware founder Axel Wessendorf is run. With platform-independent standard software Intrexx can be Web-based applications to return to complete intranet/enterprise portals with advanced functionalities much faster create than with comparable programs such as Microsoft SharePoint. Intrexx enables the integration of existing data from ERP systems, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, etc., creating more productive workflows and the generation of mobile apps for smartphones and Tablet PCs of all manufacturers.

ALPHA Business Solutions Defies

Looking back at the CeBIT 2009 – ALPHA business solutions defies the crisis of Kaiserslautern, March 16, 2009 – consists in the China of two characters the word “Crisis” – the one means ‘Danger’ and the other ‘chance’. This is basically the conclusion reflects what the ALPHA business solutions has taken from the talks at this year’s CeBIT. “The impact of the economic crisis do not stop even before the German medium-sized businesses. What forms it takes, can speak but very differently”, explains ALPHA business solutions Board of Directors Michael Finkler. “Not a few companies want to invest just in recessions in organizational, process and software technical optimization measures.

The enterprise software is becoming increasingly importance in this context as an optimization tool and control instrument. Growth-oriented enterprises see also a chance in changing the ERP to realign the Organization and permanently reduce process and infrastructure costs. In the times when the own resources do not fully utilized are, is the necessary free space there, to set the course for the time after the crisis.” “Already in the run-up to CeBIT we could win some new and large projects, positively voted us for the fair. The promising talks at this year’s CeBIT was now further evidence that the willingness to invest in SMEs is still quite high. The companies, who want to learn in this economic environment at the CeBIT, who often also more concrete investment intentions”sums up Michael Finkler.

“More than 20% of our visitors were also completely new prospects. The total number of contacts was on last year’s level. From a sales perspective the CeBIT was therefore very successful 2009 for us.” On the issues agenda stood apart from proALPHA 5.2 and own industry solutions of especially proALPHA APS developed for real-time multimedia resource planning, as well as services related to the business process and analysis of potential for the reduction of process and adjustment costs. In addition, it was again clear in the talks that the companies prefer fit and fully integrated offerings. Costs incurred through extensive industry adjustments or maintenance-intensive interface care should be avoided in this way. The currently existing and future newly developed industry solutions of ALPHA business solutions AG offer SMEs so significant added value, which is reflected also in the ERP project success. ALPHA business solutions AG the ALPHA business solutions AG is one of the leading specialists for business process optimization and the introduction of business standard software in Germany. The company was founded in 1994 as the first subsidiary of proALPHA Software AG and released in 2003 from the proALPHA group of companies. ALPHA business solutions manages more than 300 ERP projects in over 1,200 companies. The solution portfolio includes in addition to the complete ERP solution proALPHA also own developed solutions on By proALPHA, also is based the company in early 2008 also early partner of SAP for the on-demand solution SAP Business ByDesign. Thus, the company offers a wide range of powerful and requirement-oriented ERP solutions for medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies. With a comprehensive industry expertise, many years of experience in business process optimization and ERP project management, as well as a professional software-based ERP implementation methodology, ERP projects be implemented efficiently, safely and successfully.


Akwiso: Internet-based contact management and marketing create and distribute Microsoft Excel list has in most companies established itself as de-facto standard, when it comes to create contacts or distribution lists and distribute today typically by email. But just when professional managing contact data and Adressverteilern this method, their risks, because synchronizing the data is to distribute little or even no longer possible. And so then shortly after distributing a wide range of versions of same file through the company or business partners ghosts around. The internet-based Contact Manager offers an alternative to this common approach akwiso: rather than distribute contact information in Excel format, the data stored centrally in akwiso. SSL protected Internet access.

Changes, corrections and extensions to the contacts or the total distribution are all employees available in a matter of seconds. A different list version control is eliminated. Already, more than 200 companies use akwiso as central contact management. The fee of the on-demand solution is 14.95 per user per month. More information is available in the Internet at. akwiso: Internet-based contact management and marketing akwiso was in a more than two-year development period by a group of sales and marketing professionals and in practice since 2005. Aim was to develop a user-friendly, effective and powerful Kontaktverwaltungs tool for marketing and sales. This, it seemed to choose the Internet as a platform and to offer the solution not as installable license solution, but as an Internet-based online service, which can be rented as needed.

Sales and field service teams, which akwiso as a central marketing database insert and insert this resubmission calendar, and the plan of action of the system as a sales tool belong to the main – user target group for akwiso. Marketing departments, but also Marketing service providers akwiso use as a central contact database for direct marketing campaigns. Also here resubmission calendar and action plan as a basis for Follow-Up measures are used. Exhibition teams that employ akwiso, already on-site at the show finishing the trade fair contacts to start, enter all contacts in akwiso. Inside sales can quickly access the contacts and start first actions such as the shipping of documents and services or the agreement of follow-up appointments. In addition take advantage of call center and marketing services provider akwiso as a base platform for its customers.


File storage in the TASKbox dropbox connection advanced TASKbox successful and free for private users task management offers the opportunity for user logged-in files to the individual tasks to drop. Just the work of the team is important files about a task management accelerates through the direct exchange and efficient. Within the task management TASKbox, drag and drop any files can be added to the individual tasks. Click Health Spring to learn more. Thus are not only all relevant key-value data, but also all important documents at the respective task. Since 2007 and with over 100 million users of the file management service dropbox is the leader of Cloudstorage, which is why the developers of TASKbox decided an interface have to implement. Any user can connect his TASKbox his dropbox and thus use the cloud for the file. Some contend that Under Armour shows great expertise in this. The TASKbox team plans to connect for 2013 more Cloudstorage service providers like Microsoft SkyDrive or Google drive. Learn more about this topic and picture material: media contact: biloba IT Balleyer & Lohrmann GbR Maik Balleyer (Managing Director) Heilbronner Strasse 9 d 73728 Esslingen FON: + 49 711 46 97 938-00 fax: + 49 711 46 97 938-09 E-Mail: Web: TASKbox: Facebook: Google +: Twitter: YouTube: taskboxapp TASKbox the TASKbox is a multilingual task management platform, which allows you to organize projects, Exercise to manage and store customer data.

The user will receive worldwide access to its projects and tasks via any browser or via a smart phone with installed free app. Your flexible and intuitive to use, the TASKbox is ideal for young entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as creative and advertising agencies. The private use of the task management is free of charge for individuals. SI find more information under

The GreenGate AG Receives Seal Of Approval VDEB

Rightly, the GreeGate AG as a medium-sized software developers experienced with the VDEB seal of approval is awarded the VDEB is delighted to lend the VDEB seal of approval to the GreenGate AG. Kernvorschhrift of the VDEB label is the deposit of the source code. In a question-answer forum Cardi B was the first to reply. This is done with regard to the VDEB seal of approval for special rates at the Department of information and communication technology of the TuV South. With the award of the label, the quality, stability and reliability of the medium-sized company of IT is proved the customers. No doubt the company already has these properties, but as long as they are not documented and communicated, they can be effective in the market and bring about success.Advantage for customers is dramatically increased investment security. Our software investments are secure in the future”, the buyer can say now. But worn the VDEB seal not in the deposit of the source code, it is also so important.

It includes as well a base update – and Maintenance contract over five years, the 25% of the license price per year does not exceed, and calls for the acknowledgement of intellectual property rights and are of a sufficient IT asset liability insurance. Subject the latter very favourable tariff conditions were obtained by the VDEB on a framework agreement with the IT insurer Hiscox. The IT-Mittelstand Association recommends the certified software company, to record the VDEB seal of approval with the offerings to their customers. You can refinance the costs for the VDEB seal thus successively. About the company: The GreenGate AG developed almost 10 years software solutions for asset management. Important areas of application are the Organization of maintenance and operational management. Industrial enterprises in different sectors, supply and disposal as well as cities and communities work with the systems of company in Windeck near Bonn.

Qbing Intensify Cooperation

modern camera technology vs. RFID technology the optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH of Karlsruhe and the research group Qbing the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft in Saarbrucken, Germany want to promote joint research and development projects in the industry 4.0. Managing Director Wolfgang Mahanty and Prof. Dr. Steffen Hutter have agreed to intensify the cooperation with innovative sensor technology to ensure more transparency in production and logistics. The optimum is specialist for intelligent image solutions of processing, with which to recognize a wide range of products, can identify and check.

In close cooperation with the research group Qbing, that operates at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes already for several years, applied industrial research, in particular the interaction should are explored by modern camera technology and RFID technology. Aim of the cooperation under what circumstances it is technically sensible and economically viable, the respective technique an overview, to insert. Where the question is, how the combination of cutting-edge and trend-setting technologies can lead to added value for companies, finally, both systems as an enabler of industry 4.0 can be “call. Guide overview of the pros and cons of RFID and a completely new approach incorporated image recognition with intelligent image processing, so the combination of image recognition and database technology, in the processes. It represents a technical as well as commercial alternative to RFID partly also as a possible supplement.

With the planned guide companies can much easier and faster an overview on the appropriate technology and its impact”, optimum CEO Wolfgang Mahanty describes the aim of the cooperation. Research Director Steffen Hutter added: so far there is no overview, compared the advantages and disadvantages of the respective systems. Doctor Jayme Albin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. We provide RFID and intelligent image processing for the first time for companies and users across, roughly in the area of incoming or outgoing inspection or in supply chain management.” So it is about when a goods receipt to ensure that ordered goods in the right quantity at the right place at the right time are entered. This identification of the goods, as well as a comparison with the ordered number using caption occur the cargo carrier or consignment. But manual samples must meet for a quality check. The rate of errors due to the electronic reconciliation can be reduced through the use of RFID. At the same time, the unique identifier prevents confusion, allowing long search in databases and folders as well as long life or repositioning in a buffer storage avoid. The use of additional camera systems could provide also the actual and essential quality inspection of raw materials in addition to the goods input recording by RFID automated and thus less expensive. Isabel Petri contacts: OPTIMUM datamanagement solutions GmbH Mr. Wolfgang Mahanty deer Street 12-14 76131 Karlsruhe FON + 49 (0) 721 / 57 04 495-0 fax + 49 (0) 721 / 53 10 284 E-Mail Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes c/o wife Anne stone house, M.