Astrology Aspiration

However, from a Christian perspective, there is another version of a difficult life. He can, through her hard life for the sins of his kind. His dead (or even living) relatives can not atone for their sins in the eyes God, who died because they were not able to do so. And what about relatives living sinful man God knows what they themselves will atone for their sins. In the old chosen people with the most pure and good soul to whom God imposes a mission to redeem the sins of their relatives (both dead and living).

Therefore, the author advises many good and bright people are not complaining about his hard life. They practice the sins of their relatives or their soul before the birth took a heavy karmic mission for more rapid evolution. In any case, after the body dies the soul of these people will be rewarded. Over the centuries it was believed that his behavior depend on he had received training and education, from the environment and the circumstances in which he lives. Brian Krzanich will not settle for partial explanations. Hegel, Engels argued: "Being determines consciousness." The author believes that it is fundamentally wrong. Soul, gives a human body at the time of birth, already has extensive experience of past lives in the bodies of humans, animals or plants. Man is born into this world with a soul that has certain tendencies and habits, their affections and purposes to which the soul seeks. Experience past lives creates the human soul and the corresponding outlook and manner of acting.

Thus, the man immediately comes to certain dispositions and character. Vladislav Doronin gathered all the information. This determines the karmic experiences of his past lives, instilling into the human body the soul. The desire for something, as well as the talents and abilities are not being brought up in a man is born with them. If the last living man long and hard to engage in any profession, the present life he will attain success in this sphere of activity, will be awarded the talents and abilities in this area. Luck, success, wealth (and all) earned in past lives. As, however, and opposite this, the negative 'gifts' karma. Long enough Cesare Lombroso wrote the book 'types of criminals, "in which he argued that human beings are born with a predilection for any particular type of crime, not commit it accident. He defined the propensity for any crime under the form of the head, ears, nose, jaw, cheekbones, eyes, etc. On the human predisposition to something originally said, and ancient science – physiognomy.

The Church

It also has the another most serious error, that consists of if saying that the altar is of the bishop, but the church is of another one any senhor.’ ‘ (LO GRASSO, B. Eclsia et Status. Rome: Selecti sources, 1952, p 241) the FEUDAL PRESENCE IN the MONASTERIES the monasteries also were children of its time. As it would be natural, they had suffered to benefits and inconveniences.

A feudal monastery, that was endowed by a noble gentleman or the sovereign of the region, enjoyed at that time of the so necessary protection. Thanks to the ownerships you, many monasteries had been constructed and endowed according to these. They had poor monasteries to the side of other rich ones and that large states possuam. These last ones had suffered more the bad consequences of the feudal system, therefore many times had been trusted as feudals ‘ ‘ abades-comendatrios’ ‘ , or feudal that was not clergymen. These embezzled the financial goods of the feudals and only gave origin to many inconveniences in discipline monastic, what it harmed the moral and the ethical aspects of the time. The CONTESTADORES OF the SOCIETY Coinciding with the height of the feudalismo and the sprouting of the bourgeoisie, had appeared in diverse points of the Europe movements of religious-popular matrix, called of contesters, been born some in ground European, and other mattering, probably by means of the cruzades.

Ambulant preachers, clergymen or laypeople they were arisen in general considering penance, criticizing the society, in bigger instance the religious society, the Church, the clergy, monges. Amongst them, most radical it seems to be of Arnoldo de Brscia. It criticized the magnificent one, the avarice, the hypocrisy of the cardinals. It called the Pope not apostolic man, but sanguinrio man, that for homicides and fires if made to respect.

Gilbert Freyre

The document still discourses on the interregional perspective as being a bonanza metodolgico resource for the agreement of the Brazilian society. ' ' The northeast reading, especially, must be made from the comparison with other Brazilian regions (Freyre, 1996). In short, the manifestation of Freyre in the Regionalistic Congress in Recife, grants to the regionalism a crucial function in the preservation of the national unit and in the understanding of the Brazilian society, beyond protecting the regional cultural customs of the external cultural actions. They exist you vary reflections concerning the ideas of Freyre and the Regionalistic Manifesto. To that they display that at that moment &#039 appeared the REGIONALISM; ' of the colorful one, the flavor, the taste, the attachment the styles and instants lived or witnessed in dimension local.' ' (Saldanha, 1985). He is others aim the culturalista boarding of Gilbert, as being one of the great vises that had assisted to organize the north-east concept, atrelada with the estadualistas ideas of the beginning of the republican period (where it dominated, the politician-administrative division of region) e, also dualista approach (two ' ' brasis' ' one developed and another underdeveloped), defended for Celso Stolen in the decade of 1950. finally, I castrate 1989, affirms that, in the speech of Freyre has the origin of the northeast predatory regionalism, being one ' ' armao' ' of the intellectual elite northeast conservative, having Pernambuco and Freyre ahead, in the attempt of ' ' tirar' ' public resources of the federal government for this region.

Therefore, many had been and are the quarrels concerning the workmanships and of the ideal controversies of the sociologist and writer Gilbert Freyre. However, greaters are the contributions, since many of its concerns of that time, still are today had in our daily, alive as the ideals of Freyre. 2.Uma Threatened Culture: the luso-Brazilian: one soon analyzes the sociologist Gilbert Freyre always revealed to be worried about the questions of territory, with the man, and consequently co the culture.