The Dawn

The artistic meeting for the sugestividade of the beauty of the lark is for the reader the moment of bigger occurrence of its reading. In this state it contemplates the deepest interpretation of the art, being to it reverted the accomplishment of I poetical voante. Vi the lark and I never arise myself uselessly before the dawn. The lark is not a bird of the land But they listen as I listen. They do not hear in some place, there from above, to grind in a gold goblet crystal pieces? Who will be able to say me where sings the lark? ……………………………………………………………… The lark lives in the sky, and is the only bird of the sky whose I sing arrives until us.

Led to the figurative establishment for lark for the search of the artistic beauty, the reader is lead to contemplate its slightness to express its flight, which is lead poeticalally by the imaginary wings, however discerning of its attachment to the latent onirismo in its accomplishments, in its contemplations designed of and in the work of art. It of the wings for the projection is promoted poetical that the reader reaches during its contact with the poetical object. This object is for it a learning infinda, accurately for flying in its imagination, which leaves to have end to produce new decurrent artistic readings of the lived metaphors. If the life contemplated only the Real would be destoante the flight that the reader carries through in contact with the art, with the artistic one. ‘ ‘ The real being in does not teach nothing to them; the lark is ‘ ‘ pure imagem’ ‘ , pure image spiritual that does not find its life seno in the aerial imagination, as center of the metaphors of air and ascenso’ ‘ (P.