The Recipient

Maybe in this set, besides other things, polurazobrannaya r / w branch, which is adjacent to your area that you and gift was not necessary for all these years. And it can rail "of mink tails" that you did with the old Teschin coats, so to speak, a good memory. Who knows. I do not know. I'm not working on your question, but if it worked, would have known. You – must know for sure. And write. After all, all the "pros." List.

This is a dough, from which will be mixed up the main idea, and he will be baked premise, I'm sorry, "'s message." So cooler and more fashionable spetsovee sounds, but the meaning is the same – some distinctly message framing, should cause a certain response from the recipient. On the "cons" do not have to watch – just do not. A distraction. But you know them so well. And then – you do them all … again I'm sorry, "expert" would indicate a your money.

It is easy and very reasonable. List too. On multiple sheets. I have no idea how to use it in sales (!), But still do so. I do not know why, there may be a particularly soft paper? Oh well. Next. Here we have this list of positive, for an ideal buyer (and not for you, "any" or "all"), the qualities of your object. Let's say it includes, apart from everything else, 2 hectares of land, only for the whole neighborhood parking for TIR-s, its a small hotel and comfortable office, the location of the object at the exit of the city on the main road and the area around you is a large, attached to the local raw material, a prosperous mill XYZ, where most of these TIR-s and go regularly, and which is very handy owned by foreigners.