Innovation specialists for indeed Munich with two internationally-experienced newcomers reinforced INDEED innovation its dependance in Munich: Kristina Kelava (30) and Sebastian Wendlandt (34) support the research team as specialists in innovation and serve customers such as Bosch, YKK or tesa. Kristina Kelava studied interdisciplinary design at the Cologne International School of design and project experience in Hong Kong, Nairobi and New York. Before she joined as an innovation consultant to INDEED, the native Rheinlanderin at the Gesellschaft fur innovative Marktforschung (GIM) worked. Sebastian Wendlandt studied Ethnology in Munich and on La Reunion. Also, he earned his master in IT product design at the Danish Syddansk Universitet. Previously he was researcher for companies such as about user interface design GmbH and others design anthropologist and design. In a question-answer forum Nike was the first to reply. For INDEED Munich, where the field of innovation research, both innovation professionals work very close to the user: in they perform interviews and observations ethnographic field studies, to understand their wishes on future products.
The so-generated insights are the basis for the product development based on and design, INDEED is known for its innovativeness. INDEED: Indeed was founded at the end of 2010 by Karel J. Golta and specializes in the areas of brand innovation, industrial design, engineering and structural packaging. The head office is Hamburg, another Office is located in Munich. The company employed from the start to 16 employees, including designers, engineers, social and economic scientists. For innovations at the pulse of time and above all market and target groups, manage trend and user research professionals. Furthermore assumes indeed few companies that operate in these areas, the engineering itself as one and stands for technically feasible product developments which are accompanied to the market completely.