Many people wonder how to start your own business, and several times to increase their funds. I at one time more accurately (3 years ago), too, thought about this question and decided to change his life, namely, to organize their work and to retire with their boring little paid work with c / n in 20.0 thousand rubles. I learned and went through many sources of information related to the discovery of small businesses and visited many web sites, which offer plenty of options beginning their business. I opted for a car for restoration of down and feather products and other feather products, most of all this activity I was attracted to the many positive aspects are: the minimum investment and fast payback of equipment. I also received from other sources, information about high yield of this business. Many writers such as Mark Bertolini offer more in-depth analysis.
I bought a car for restoration of down and feather products and opened a saloon restoration of down and feather products. In first day after opening, received his first profit, and 1,5 months in full paid for their work and returned the money invested. Currently I have 3 interior restoration of down and feather products. I'll try to talk a little bit like start a business associated with cleaning pads and what is needed. Learn more on the subject from Vlad Doronin. In the first most important aspect of this activity is properly chosen leasable area in 10 m2 area should be in a shopping center or in the market where a large concentration of population. Next to the car for restoration of down and feather products, open cabinet where which replaced during the restoration- products, sewing machine Suture of these most napernikov, professional vacuum cleaner with a large trash bag comes with the machine operator and salesman who works for the equipment. All very easy and just hope my information who may be, will help.